Chapter Five: Books

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Author's note: GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPLOADED IN FOREVER! Junior year sux lets just go with that. But here ya go! :)

p.s. im taking some liberties with Prentiss in this chapter. Carry on (my wayward son)

"Here we are."

The whole team (after Prentiss, Gideon, and Hotch had met up with Reid, J.J., and Morgan) stands in front of The Cloverfield Library.

"Ready to go in?" Gideon asks Reid.

"Uh, no, but let's go," Reid says and the team walks into the library.

The Cloverfield Library is a small library with rows of books, chairs, and even a little cardboard castle for children to play in. Reid shudders as he sees that castle.

"What is it?" J.J. asks as she sees Reid quite visibly shiver.

"There is where this boy I knew named Topher stabbed me with a pencil. It wasn't that terrible but it means this 'Little Boy Blue' knows my childhood pretty well," Reid says.

"Hey, could this man be someone from your school?" J.J. suggested. "It seemed like in the first letter he knew what you were like."

"'Geeky and awkward'; spot on. Thanks for reminding me of that, J.J.," Reid retorts and walks off.

"Oh, that's not what I meant," J.J. calls after him but he can't hear her. "It isn't-"

"We know, J.J.," Hotch nods. "Alright, team, we need to find the next clue. I'll ask the front desk if anyone's dropped off anything, but it's more than likely in a book. This Unsub is very theatrical so it'd probably be in a book. Spread out."

Prentiss walks over to Reid who is opening and shifting through books. "Hotch says we should look-"

"Through the books here because the note is probably in a book. I know," Reid retorts matter-o'-factly. "I have an IQ of 187; you really don't think I've thought of that?"

"Okay, Reid, calm down. I'm trying to help, everyone is. And if you could stop being a giant ass, that'd be great," Prentiss replies without missing a beat.

Reid simply rolls his eyes and ignores her. Prentiss waits for a reply and when she doesn't get one, she grips Reid by his shoulders and makes him face her. "Reid, talk to me."

"You don't know me."

"Then talk to Morgan, anyone!" Prentiss yells.

A librarian shushes her and she grins sheepishly. "Sorry," Prentiss whispers.

"I know that this is really hard-"

"How do you know what this feels like?!" Reid yells. "How do- sorry, I'll be quieter- how do you know what this feels like!?"

"Because my sister was taken, Reid," Prentiss replies. "That's why."

Reid's eyes widen in disbelief. "What?"

Prentiss nods slowly. "Yeah... Her name was Amelia. She was thirtteen and I was seventeen at the time. I was supposed to stay home with Amelia because our parents had gone out of town, but a boy I liked was having a party, so I left her all alone. When I came back home, she was gone. I looked all over the house, but she was nowhere to be found. We never found her."

"Oh my God, Prentiss," Reid says, "I-I had n-no idea-"

"Of course you didn't," Prentiss nods. "I just want you to know that you're not alone in this, Reid. I knoe what you're going through. The pain you feel. I know."

Reid lip trembles at this and tears spring to his eyes. "Th-Thank-you, Emily."

Emily wraps her arms around Reid and hugs him close to her. He sobs into her shirt (eventually being. shushed by the librarian to whom Prentiss gave the finger) and lets out all the emotion he's been holding inside himself for so long.

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