Chapter Eight: Escape

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Author's note: this chapter has some (not much) sexual elements to it, so just a warning!


When Reid finally wakes up, he has no clue where he is. He blinks his eyes and tries to get some sense of where he is. He sees that he is bound and sitting in a chair.

This was too familiar.

"Damn," he curses.

"What's this?" A voice from the shadows hisses.  "Perfect little Spencer Reid swearing? Well, that's certainly a first."

There he stands: Alex Kennedy. He has long black hair and wear a white dress shirt.

Drenched with blood.

"What did you do?!" Reid screams.

Kennedy grins cruelly. "It's wonderful to see you so petrified. It's almost... orgasmic."

"What. Did. You. Do?" Reid repeats with venom, ignoring Kennedy's comment.

"Really?" Kennedy rolls his eyes. "You're just going to ignore that little comment?"

"The only thing I am concerned with right now is finding my mom."

"Awww, how sweet!" Kennedy purrs. "You were always such a mama's boy. It's good to know some things never change. You're so concerned with your mom, you're not even wondering where you are?"

Reid glares at the man.

"Fine, I'll tell you. Riiiiiiight as your other F.B.I. buddies were swarming my house, I knocked you out and your nearly comatose mother was very easy to move, and I escaped out the back door. I have a cute little wheelbarrow I put you two in and I covered it and escaped to my brother's house which is right in back of mine through a gate. Wasn't that smart?"

"Yes, you're very smart. Please, Alex, just let my mom go!" Reid starts to plead with the madman. "Whatever I did to you, whether it was just that I got out and made something of myself because I had smarts and now you hate me or whatever else it might be, this has nothing to with my mom. Let her go."

"Wait, what?" Kennedy questions. "Because you had brains and I didn't you thought I did this? No, no, no! That's just not it. I don't hate you, I never could. In fact... I'm in love with you."

Reid's heartbeat quicknes. "W-What?"

"Wasn't it obvious?!" Kennedy cackles. "Everyone else seemed to know. That's why they hated me. It wasn't because I was dumb; they called me stupid and weird because I liked a boy when I was one."

"Look, I'm sorry about the kids who were mean to-"

"Mean to me?!" Kennedy exclaims. "Mean? They tortured me, day in and day out, but that's not why you're here. No, you're here because I want you, not because I blame you for those awful kids. I kidnapped your mom to get you alone so we could... oh, you know."

Reid's stomach drops. "Um, do what?"

"Oh, don't be coy with me, Spencey!" Kennedy flirts. "You know what I mean!"

"Kennedy, I'm not, um, I'm not gay," Reid replies.

"Like that even matters."



Morgan surveys the dark empty basement, finding neither Diana nor Reid. "They were just here!" Morgan yells.

"Damn it," Prentiss curses.

"Where could he have gone in such a short amount of time?" Hotch asks.

"He's still gotta' be in the area. Someone can't disappear that quickly without a trace," Prentiss replies. She puts a hand on Morgan's shoulder. "We'll get this guy."

Morgan shrugs her hand off. "I don't need your pity, Prentiss."

"Alright, listen," Prentiss huffs, "that wasn't pity, that was sympathy,and if you weren't being such a little bitch right now, you'd see that."

Morgan's eyes widen and Hotch actually has to stifle a small laugh.

"You're right," Morgan apologizes.  "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you are," Prentiss nods.

"We'll canvas the area. He has to be in one of the homes around here," Hotch says. "We'll find him."


"Please, please don't do this, Alex!"

Kennedy licks his lips. "Why not? I want to so badly!"

"I'm not gay," Reid pleads, "and I... I've never had sex."

"You know, that does not surprise me, Spencey," Kennedy says, walking closer and closer to Reid.

Kennedy starts to unzip his dirty jeans. "I've been looking forward to this for a long, long time."

"Alex, p-please," Reid stutters. "Don't!"

"Why not?" Kennedy suddenly turns angry. "You're too good for me?! Is that what you think?! You think, you think I'm gross or something? I know I am!"

"No!" Reid exclaims, shaking his head furiously. "That's n-not it!"

"Bet your sweet ass it's not," Kennedy mutters. "Well, I don't care if you're into it or not."

Reid grimaced as the man inches closer and closer. Kennedy sits on Reid's lap and leans in close to him. Kennedy's breath is hot on Reid's face.

"Ya' excited?"

Kennedy leans in and just before their lips touch, the door bell rings.

"Damn it!" Kennedy shouts, right in Reid's face. "Be right back, sweetheart."

Reid exhales as Kennedy leans back. Before he heads upstairs, he deeply kisses Reid, tongue and all. Reid gags and struggles to get away.

Kennedy rolls his eyes and runs up the stairs to answer the door.

Reid sits there and stares at the floor. When he breaks out of his trance, he spits on the floor and breaks down in tears.

He just sobs.

Beside him, Diana begins to stir. "S-Spencer? Sweetie, w-what's wrong?"

Reid looks to his left and his face lights up. "Mom? Oh my God! You're alright!"

"Of course I am, I've gotta' take of you don't I?" Diana manages to crack a joke and a small smile.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!" Reid smiles, laughing with joy.



"Sir, do you-"

As soon as Kennedy opens the door, he's screwed. Morgan pounces on him, tackling him to the floor. Kennedy tries to escape and is rewarded with several hard punches to the face delivered by Morgan.

"I surrender!" Kennedy exclaims.

Prentiss bends down beside the abductor. "Look at that, Morgan! He's resisting arrest! Better punch him a few more times."

"Fine by me!" With that, Morgan knocks the man out cold. "Bastard."

Hotch looks at the man out cold and then to Morgan. He shrugs. "I won't tell if you won't."

The three tear downstairs and find Reid and Diana tied to two chairs, Diana looking severely beaten.

"Oh, thank God you two are okay!" Prentiss exclaims, untieing Diana's bonds.

"Man, I was really worried about you, Pretty Boy," Morgan says, untieing Reid.

"Makes sense," Reid manages a small grin. "Without me, who's gonna' correct you and give random facts that you forget the minute after I say them?"


One more chapter and then this is wrapping up! Thanks everyone for reading! Thanks for making this my most-read story!!!! :) xoxox

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