emotional roller coaster

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I walked out of the room, tears threatening to fall, I slammed myself down a sit next to Kayla, Lou and Cecil, and put my head on my hands.

'William you look horrible!' Lou exclaimed.

'Thanks Lou.'

'What are friends for.' She said and I rolled my eyes.

'Mind sharing your sudden depression?' Kayla asked tapping my back.

'Well, does it involve a certain someone?' Cecil asked and I nodded, 'Thought so,' he mumbled.

'He said I was beautiful, then shut me down!' I screamed

'Relax lover boy, did you return the complement?' Lou asked and I nodded, 'Did you try kissing him?' She continued her interrogation, 'I was thinking about it,' I said thoughtfully, 'Did you ask for consent?' 'No, do you think that's it?' I asked

'Maybe, but now we know for sure that he likes you!' Cecil exclaimed

'What?' I asked

'The guy jumped of a tree to come to the infirmary to see you then told you your beautiful, of course he does!' Cecil exclaimed

'HE DID WHAT?!?!?!' I exclaimed

'Oh, you didn't know, Jason told me, he was here with Percy a minute ago, oh, I have probably made a mistake.' He continued with a weak laugh.

I stood up and started pacing, 'That little cute ball of darkness, he lied to me, he is so dead, he could have just come by for a visit, volunteered to help, but no, he decided to jump of a tree!'

'Will, you are an emotional roller coaster today.' Kayla said shaking her head.

'Okay, we have big plans for today, let's leave lover boy to his hormones, we have big plans for today.' Cecil said grinning evilly and all three walked away to their own devices leaving me and Austin to work on the patients, he kept on wriggling his eyebrows at me all day long Lord knows why.

Soon it was dinner time and I dragged Nico to the dinning pavilion, his wounds were healed, he looked better, not that he ever looks bad... anyway, I was not letting go of the tree thing.

'You're never going to forget are you?'

'You mean your idiotic actions, never.' I answered him, we sat at the Apollo table, I couldn't risk him doing something stupid again.

There was a huge black board in the middle of the pavilion written, 'sign if you think Nico di Angelo and William Solace should finally kiss and make babies.' In bold that even someone with dyslexia couldn't miss it. There was a table next to it, with two familiar half-bloods sitting beside it, there were t-shirts and badges on it with writings on it solangelo rules.

I cursed under my breathe and walked up to Lou and Cecil, 'What is wrong with you two?!' I whisper yelled at them.

'We're just being nice friends and finally ending the very very thick sexual tension between you two.' Cecil explained

I groaned and Lou continued, 'Besides, people are signing, we just need twenty signatures and you two can shag, your welcome.'

She was right, there were at least fifteen signatures on the board and half the pavilion was wearing solangelo shirts and badges, people kept giving him thumbs up and patting him on the back. He looked up at Nico who was getting the same treatment and glared at me as I walked back to him.

'You have crazy friends.' He simply stated

'I couldn't agree more, besides, those signatures will not reach twenty, trust me.' I said

'Will,' he called


'There now past twenty-five.'

I looked up and he was right. I was secretly happy about all of this of course, but no one needed to know that.

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