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You woke up and Jason wasn't there, but that okay because you knew where he went

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You woke up and Jason wasn't there, but that okay because you knew where he went.

You changed into your clothes and headed home to shower before the big fight.

Once you were showered and in a fresh pair of clothes, you headed outside and said the three magic words.

"it's morphing time"

You were now in your white suit, you then headed to the main part of Angel Grove and started to fight some of Rita's monsters. You fought then and tested out some of your toys. They were dope as fuck.

You then see other ranger's zords. So you went behind a building a de-morphed. Then you began to watch the other rangers from afar.

At this point Rita's golden monster was pushing them in, so you morphed back into your suit and called your zord.

You got into your zord and then turned it into it's megazord form.

You then ran into the golden monster. "sorry, but you'll understand why" you said and knew they would hear you.

Running into Rita's golden monster causes the rangers and their zords to fall in.

"long time no see, white ranger" Rita said from below. "yeah, yeah, i wish i could say the same" you said and went after her since she was in the golden monster.

After fight with Rita and he golden monster, you see the rangers come out. "finally" you say.

Both you and the other rangers fought her and destroyed her golden monster. In the end, the others slapped her into space. You then noticed clapping and pictures begin taken from the people of Angel Grove. Then you see the ranger's megazord dance a bit which you laughed at.

You were currently heading to Zordons ship in your white suit. Since you knew the other were there, you made an entrance.

"glad i'm not the only one now" you said and the entrance of the ship. This caused them all to look at you.

"who are you" Jason says

"you know who i am" you said and then de-morphed.
"surprise" you said and did jazz hands once they recognized who you were.

"y/n!" they all said in shock. "the one and only" you responded with.

Jason then comes up to you and wraps you into a hug. "slow your roll buddy"i say jokingly and he just rolled his eyes. "oh shut up" he said and cupped your cheeks, he then brought you into a kiss.

All you hear is "damm" and "get some" from the other. This made you both separate and laugh. Jason then wrapped his arm around you waist

"since when did you get your coin"Billy asked.
"a few months ago" you told him as well as the rest.
"so, you were a power ranger before us" Kimberly asked and you nodded

"we should get going" they said, "you too y/n" Kimberly said and the rest nodded. You smiled and agreed. However before leaving, Jason leaves his sword behind. He then wraps his arm around your waist before you all leave.


hope y'all liked the last chapter

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