Chapter One

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Liv's POV

Until I had to move in with my step brother, my summer was, well... how do I put this? EXTREMLY boring by comparison. But packing boxes would be boring to any one unless in some crazy way, it was sentimental for them *cough Aunt Jillian cough*. I guess things started getting a little weird after my mother was killed in a plane accident. Yes, I was sad, but right now I can not stand anymore sympathy! I've been living with my Aunt Jillian for the last 11 weeks when my father called and decided that I need to move in with him. Oh wait. That's right; he lives in London freaking ENGLAND!!! At first I was shocked. Me, a California native, moving to cold, dreary England. Then, for some reason (note my sarcasm here), over powering anger hit me.

"Dad I am NOT moving to England just on your will! I have a perfectly good life here in California! If you do make me move, I hope you don't expect me to go to school there. It's my senior year of high school. I am NOT, I repeat, NOT moving!"

But, since shouting at him never seems to get me anywhere with the father I had only met three times, I spent the first two weeks of summer, packing my life into boxes and preparing to move from our Victorian style San Francisco house to a rental home in the unknown town. (Okay. That was a bit of an exaggeration. I do know where London is but seriously! Out of all people, why does it have to be me moving halfway across the world!)

On the last day before we left for England, I was sitting on my bed staring at my bare room. The sun was slanting through the windows, as my curtains were packed away.

"Liv! Come down. Gwen and Jessica are here!" my aunt shouted up the stair well.

I guess I should introduce myself. Well you already know my name is Liv Abbott. I have long wavy dark brown hair that is a couple shades darker than auburn, green and grey eyes, and am taller than the average height for an eighteen-year-old. I guess I am skinny though I think that I could lose the few pounds my aunt wants me to gain. Oh God. I must sound so insecure.

My best friends are Gwen Levesque and Jessica Henson. If I were not moving, we all would be attending Lowell High School for our senior year (along with my wonderful boyfri-) Fuck!!! Oh My God! I just realized this! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! When I move, I won't get a chance to see my boyfriend, Nils!!! I've been too busy worrying about myself! Nils and I were going to spend the whole summer together! I haven't even told him that I am moving! No more kisses on my cheek, no more smiles that make my heart melt, no more-

"Liv! Hurry up! We have a surprise for you." Gwen said in a sing-song voice as they bounded up the stairs.

"Fine, fine. I'm coming." I said sighing

As I walked down this hallway for one of the last times, I wondered what trouble Gwen and Jessica will get me into this time. Last time they decided that it would be good idea to toilet paper our principal's house. Mr. Shogran was furious. Well at least Jessica got a good picture of his face. That made the two weeks of detention soooo worth it. Almost. But I can now say that I have been in detention. Just wait a minuet though. Before you go all 'Oh, so she's a trouble maker!' Just to make this clear, that was the first time I have ended up in detention. I am generally a goody-goody with my perfect attendance record and all.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I am tackled. I guess now would be a good time to describe my friends. First of all, we're all tall. That's pretty much the only thing we have common in appearance. Jessica, or Jessa, has hazel eyes, long dark hair, and pretty much looks like she was built for running, which is probably why she is on the track team. Oh. And Jessica also surfs like Gwen and I.

Gwen is totally what you would think of when you think of a California girl. She has white blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and is kinda obsessed soccer. Also, and of course it had to be my best friends obsessed with them, One Direction. (I just don't get what is so great about them. Ed Sheeran is obviously much better. Along with pretty much half of the alternative genre.) Any who, back to being tackled. So the evil doers I call my friends eventually let me up.

"Lets go already!" they grumble pulling me down the stairs.

Finally we made it to the entry way. Then, for some unapparent reason, Jessica shot down the hall. That's all fine in all, except for the one minor detail that I was being dragged along behind her. Getting to the back door, she slowed.

"God Jessa! At least tell when you're going to randomly start running! That way I don't fall and get a concussion!" I whined.

Jessica just stood there doubled over with laughter.

"Fine." I said turning to walk away.

"Oh no you're not" a voice said from my side. Kusha. My over protective 19 year old "brother". We're not actually really brother and sister. Kusha is actually my cousin, but he acts like my brother. We look too much alike in my opinion. The only physical difference between us is eye color, as I don't really count height and build. His eyes are brown not gray.

"You too now!" I protested.

"Just go outside already"

And I did. After being unceremoniously shoved through the back door by the evil doing of those three. What I saw made me want to cry. They stood in front of me, my family, friends, and well, everyone I cared about. Even Kaya and Adoni where here. Since they moved to Sacramento, I hardly get to see the twins.

"Oh." I said in a small voice. Oh. That's all I said! Oh! I was silently beating myself up when someone came up to me. Looking up, I saw Nils. He was grinning like an idiot. Now le me explain. When you smile, you smile with your mouth. When Nils smiles, he smiles with his eyes. If you saw it you would know what I meant.

"Now don't go all lovey dovey on me! Save it for later when you actually have to say good bye to him!" Wow. Way to be helpful Kusha! It's not like that's the kind of advice I would give you if you had to leave Willa because you where moving half way across the world! I turned back to Nils trying to get rid of my sarcastic thoughts. Nils planned this! He had to of. But, how did he know? I never told him. That left three other candidates. And I was pretty sure who told Nils.

"Kusha, could you come here a minute?" I said slowly.

"Well I think these people have something to say to you first!" he said, smiling.

Then everyone in the yard shouted: "We'll miss you Liv!"

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. Not good. I probably look like a tomato. Liv Maddilyn Clare Abbott! They just threw you a going-away-party! Now, think positive things.

"You guys!!! Thank you! You shouldn't have!" I practically yelled.

I turned around and kissed Nils. Yeah, I know. Really cheesy. But hey! Don't judge! He organized this! He at least deserves some credit. After that, I just hung out with my friends and boyfriend for what felt like the last time I would ever get. Leaving everyone would be the hardest part of this ordeal.

~~~~ 3 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm going to miss you guys!!! Hopefully I can visit you sometime soon!"

Turning around, I give Nils one last kiss and get into the car. Aunt Jillian gets in the driver's side and turns the key in the ignition. With the trunk filled with my things, we turned down the road and started off to the airport.

Arriving at SFO, I grabbed a trolley and loaded my lifetime worth of items onto it. Turing around to say good bye to my aunt. Giving her a final hug, I start walking towards security.

"Say hello to your brother Ed for me will you?" Aunt Jillian calls from behind me. Ed. Like Ed Sheeran. Wouldn't it be so cool if Ed Sheeran was my brother. Wait... BROTHER!!!

Hello! This is my first story so I don't expect to get many reads. To the people who are reading this, thank you. Also I want to give a shout out to @hemisha who gave me the courage to write this. (Don't worry I will dedicate a chapter to you. This one isn't that interesting though so I'll give you a better one.) There is a picture of Liv on the side. Please vote/comment/fan whatever you want. Thanks! -Ana

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