Chapter Three

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Getting off the plane was probably the best thing for my sanity. If I had to sit next to that boy for one more second I probably would have screamed. And he still he had the nerve to flirt with me, even after I told him I had a boy friend. I eventually just tuned him out with my music, shuffling on of my favorite playlists. Then, even though he was driving me insane with his constant chatter, when he asked why I had freaked out, I felt the need to tell him. I never eve told Nils that. And the need! Now, I don't mind love. But telling a complete stranger something I hadn't even told my boy friend and describing it as this needing to tell him my deepest fear ? Where the hell did that come from? I'd only just met the boy. Okay time to find my dad and Edward. Walking towards the baggage claim, I saw people swarming near the gates. 'Another stupid celebrity.' I thought to my self, not bothering to look to see who it was as the clicking of cameras were tell tale enough. Trying to make my way around the mob, I heard someone call my name looking around I saw it came from the swarm of people, now known to me as The Mob. Just dismissing it, I continued on my way to the baggage claim. I didn't know it was going to be so big. Sure the San Francisco airport is big but London Heathrow was huge. Like even the ceilings felt tall enough to be a three story building. Spotting my bags on the carousal, I lugged it over to the exit. Huffing I leaned my back against the wall. Closing my eyes for a few minutes, I thought about how my life was going to change so dramatically. For better or worse it was never going I be the same again.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I whipped around. And came face to face with Ed Sheeran.

"Hello love." he said. "Would you happen to be Liv?" Dumbstruck, all I could do was nod my head in agreement. How did he know who I was? Then I saw my dad approaching behind him. Suddenly, it clicked. I was only joking about having Ed Sheeran as a brother. Turns out, it's actually true.

"Hel-hello there." I mumble. Dad steps up beside him.

"Hey there sweetie pie!!! It's good to finally have you back!"

'If I remember correctly, you were the one who gave me up. Of coarse I probably would have if my child was Ed Sheeran.' I thought sourly.

"Don't call me that!" I replied hotly.

"We'll great to see you again Liv. It's been a long time." He replied softly. Feeling guilty about upsetting him, I pulled him into a hug.

" Well, before we leave I would like to introduce someone to you." he said stepping back. "This is your brother Ed Sheeran."

I looked at Ed and it dawned on me truly how much he looked like Dad. I mean, same orange hair, green eyes, and triangular face. It annoyed me that I hadn't picked up on this before but back then I didn't even know I had a step brother. Sighing I stuck my hand out.

"Hi. I'm Liv. Nice to meet you." I didn't add sarcasm to my tone but it deffinetly was not friendly.

"Nice to meet you love!" He replied grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug. Okay, not what I was expecting. Pulling away I saw my luggage round the corner of the carousel. Heading towards it, I lugged my bags off the conveyer belt putting the five heavy suitcases on a near by trolly. Heading towards the elevator I stopped realizing I had no clue where I was going and that dad wasn't there. Steering the trolly around I found that The Mob had engulfed them both. Now they were going to come to me.

'Isnt this just wonderful!" I though 'I haven't been in England for an hour when I have already made a scene! Just fabulous!' Carefully directing the trolly to the waiting area I grabbed out my phone.

'Where should I go to meet you guys?' I texted him. I was waiting for some time until I saw a man in a guite walk up to me and asked

"Are you Miss Liv Abbot?" He inquired. I nodded.

"We'll you better step this way miss as I have a car waiting for you and your family. I am supposed to come and retrieve you. Direct orders from your father. We might have to wait a while form the both of them though as the mob seems to have swallowed them up." Giggling, I agree.

"It would take us a god twenty minuets for us to get them out I think! We'll at least we can escape the mob. Can you take me to the car now please?" I requested.

"Of coarse Miss. And please, call me Paulo." Following Paulo to the car, I pepared to do some waiting. After a half hour of quality time with Paulo, I was beginning to get board.

"You know Paulo, I think I'm going to go look for them now. I know where the car is so you don't have to worry about me getting lost."

"But Miss, what about the mob?" Paulo questioned.

"I'm sure I'll be fine." I responded. I stepping out of the car, just to find myself to be shoved back in by tattooed arms. Falling back into my seat, I gapped at Ed and Dad.

"Let's go Paulo. We should take a couple fake turns along the way so as to lose them." My dad ordered

------------45 min later -------------------

Upon arriving at Ed's flat, I literally had to pinched myself to make sure this was all real. I stared up at the huge apartment that me and my half brother would be sharing from now on.

Walking into the entry hall I noticed all my bedding and other non clothing items had already bee delivered. Most of my stuff was sent over here two weeks ago until I only had bedding, clothes, and toiletries left.

"Come on Liv! This way to your bedroom." Ed called from ahead of me, stopping to pick up a couple of my bags. I followed him down the first hallway. I guess I better describe the place first. It was spacious. When you first walk in, your in this little hallway. About three feet in front of you and to your leaf there is the living room with a flat screen, sectional, and big plushy chair next to the coffee table. On your right is the dining room with French doors at the far end of the room leading out to a flourishing garden. If you keep walking strait you enter the kitchen. With a marble island in the middle of the counters and a breakfast bar more in the middle of the room, the breakfast table sat next to the stairs on your direct right and underneath the window on the far wall. In the middle of the back wall was another set of doors these leading out into the backyard as well. Following Ed up stairs I found him waiting in front of the third door on the left.

"This is your room he said proudly." He said sweeping the door open. Looking around the hall I saw about six or seven other rooms. Puzzled by this I stepped in the room. I dropped my bags gasping.

"Oh my god!" I shrieked "This is amazing!" The walls of my room were a light shade of purple a bit darker than lilac. Three was a four poster bed against the left wall with a walk in closet and huge bathroom on the right. Again, there were a set double doors right I front of me on the back wall. Walking into the bathroom I spied a plush window seat on the right wall. It had an awesome jet tub, large vanity, and surround sound speakers. In my bathroom! Squealing like a four year old, I ran out to thank dad. Bumping into Ed on they way down, he motioned or e to be quiet as he was on the phone with someone. I raced through the kitchen and down I the front hall where dada was caring my boxes up to my room.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!" I screamed. I wrapped dad in a bear hug and felt him kiss the top of my head.

"Your this excited now and I haven't even shown you the car yet." He mumbled. I felt the blood drain from my face. I burst in to tears. My dad looked shocked.

"Now now honey. None of that." he said, rubbing my back.

"I-I'm sorry. I ju-just thought that th-this was going t-to to be horrible." I said through my happy tears. "I just thought th-that you wouldn't like me or wo-would get fed up with me and kick me out." I whispered my tears subsiding.

"I already let my daughter go once and that caused me not to see her grow up. Now that I've got you again how could I ever let you go."

"Thanks dad."

"You're welcome sweetie. Now let's get you unpacked and ready to go." Each picking up a few boxes, we started the trek to my room.

Hey guys! It's Ana! Thanks for bearing with me on that last chapter. I ended up rewriting it 4 times and it still ended up being short. Hey I have a question for you people. Would you like shorter updates more regularly or long updates less often? Comment your opinion below. Thanks for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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Your Best Friends Who?! And You Didn't Tell Me! ~ A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now