Chapter Two

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Chapter two

'I have a brother.' I thought to myself, making my way to security. 'To bad he's not here now. That could have gotten me through the family line instead of me having to wait in the single passenger line. But it is kind of cool that he has the same name as Ed Sheeran. I'll just rub it in his face that he isn't Ed Sheeran.' 'When did you get so violent Liv? I mentally asked myself. I like to think of myself as a nice person but I was kind of angry that nobody had told me that I have a brother. Startled from my thoughts by a grumpy looking clerk at the baggage check, I gave him my bags. 'Great. Now just security and a thirteen hour plane flight left to go.'

~~~~~~~~On the air plane~~~~~~~~

Sitting in my seat, I stared out the window.

' I'm going to a new country where the only person I know is my dad. And I've only met him twice; once when I was born (which can hardly count), and again when I was six. I'm going to have to start a new school after the summer but I won't know any one and as I am start in my senior year, everyone will already have their cliques that they belong to.' The sound of a person next to me sitting down interrupted my dismal thoughts. Turning to see who was next to me, I felt my phone buzz, signaling me to a new text.

' Well whoever is next to me can wait. I have a whole 13 hours to spend with them. Cell service however, not as much time. I should just use as much of the quality time with it as I can.' Pulling out my bright white iPhone, I pulled open a text from Gwen:

'we miss you already :'( but hey, just cuz u cant c nils, I forbid you from checking out any cute boys on the plane! he's already heartbroken enough without you cheating on him! and if u do I will personally go to the uk and kick your ass! xx Gwen'

I give out a small laugh. Typically responsible answer from Gwen. She's very protective of her twin. A voice made me turn right in the middle of me typing 'not on your life' back to Gwen.

"I'm going to bet that it is safe to assume that it was a friend of yours just now." a soft voice said. I replied without turning to the seat next to me.

" Yes, it was and what business do you have reading my texts?" I answered harshly. Looking up from my phone, I saw a familiar face. Chocolate curls, emerald eyes, and the cheeky smile that showed off his adorable dimples. My face taking on a quizzical expression I questioned, "Have I met you before?"

"I don't believe we have for I would have certainly remembered a beautiful face such as yours." Hmm. That cheeky smile just might end up matching that cheeky personality of his. My dislike for this boy was starting to mount even more.

"I'm Harry and what might your name be?"

The boy, apparently known as Harry, extended his arm in greeting.

In rapid fire response to his questioning, I answered, "My name is Liv, I have a boyfriend so quit flirting with me."

Putting his hands up mocking his surrender Harry said, "Ok, so I won't flirt with you. I guess I can't flirt with all girls I think are pretty." A cheeky smile appeared on his face knowing he had intentionally ignored my request. Somewhat regretfully, I admitted to myself that I kind of enjoyed hearing the comment. Talking all this time had apparently kept both of us from hearing the before flight 'you-must-all-be-idiots-so-we-have-to-show-you-how-to-work-a-seat-belt' speech. For that an unimpressed looking flight attendant came up to us.

"You really should be putting on your seat belts. We are going to take off soon and everyone on the plane must have their seat belt on while we are taxi-ing. 'Great. Just one more thing to add to my day. Let's see, I have to move to a new country across the Atlantic, I have to fly to England, I have left all my family behind, I found out I have a brother, and now, on top of it all, I have a rude flight attendant pestering me. How much worse could my day get!?' I huffed at the sound of sniggers coming from Harry.

"What's so funny?" I huffed.

"You do realize you just said that all out loud, right love?"

"Well there is one more way my day could get worse. Now shut up. I'm going to sleep."

"Wait until lift off love. You won't be able to fall asleep with the sound of the engines and the turbulence of G-force pulling us down at lift off."

As if reading his mind, the loud engines started to rumble, showing their consent. I clenched my hands on the arm rests, my knuckles turning white. Harry gave me a questioning look. Suddenly a shock of turbulence hit the cabin and I jumped. Then we were in the air, on our way to Britain.


Someone was shaking me awake. 'Great school!' Please note the sarcasm dripping from that sentence. Opening my eyes, I realized I was still on the air plane. I wonder if I would have been better off still being in California. Then I wouldn't be on this plane. Then I wouldn't be sitting next to Harry in a first class seat my Dad, if you could even call him that paid for. And Harry wouldn't know.

*Flash back*

As if reading his mind, the loud engines started to rumble, showing their consent. I clenched my hands on the arm rests, my knuckles turning white. Harry gave me a questioning look. Suddenly a shock of turbulence hit the cabin and I jumped. Then we were in the air, on our way to Britain. Harry immediately turned to me.

"What was that love?"

"Nothing. And don't call me love!"

"Well it was obviously something."

'Yeah. It was something all right.' I thought ' Something always happens when your mom works for the president. I still don't know why she agreed to let the FBI rope her in to that mess. And now she was dead gone. Along with 37 other agents. Each ones targeted when traveling. For me a plane. But now no more driving to the presidio, going to her secretary, having Lila call Mom in. No more "Hi Sweetie! How was your day?'s . No more Mom. Then, the dreams started coming back to me. One after another. When I was on the plane with her, watching, defenseless. The one being her, thinking in those 12 seconds, 'I should have been more careful!'

"Liv?" Harry called, bringing me back to reality. "Are you all right?" Staring into his charismatic, worrying eyes, I had the urge to tell him everything. So I did.

Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter. Thank you to all the lovely people reading this. This chapter is dedicated to @xHomophobia_Is_Gayx for the awesome cover. There is a picture of Jessica on the side. -> -> -> -> If I get five votes I will update! Thank you for being amazing people!!! Adios amigas (and amigos)!


P.S. @Lostin1Dfulworlds you will get that chapter but there shall have to be a couple of filler chapters first. ;)

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