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Shide allowed a bit of his magic to flow from his fingers and into Nat lungs and body. Nat would be more susceptible to his words. "Even if you were to beat me, you could not carry him and he would be dead long before you got him to safety."

Nat looked back up at him. "Why would you help him?"

Shide lips spread into a smile. "I'm not . . . nor am I helping you. Now. Go. I will not ask again."

Nat licked her lips, looking back at Shuyi before letting out a strangled cry and getting back to her feet. She started running and didn't look back. Shide watched her for a second or two before looking back down at the broken and bleeding body of the Angel. The battle was beginning to weaken-hundreds dead on both sides, but he didn't care about any of that. He moved closer, eventually crouching down to get a better look. His finger ran over the soft skin of Shuyi face and he smiled.

The Devil stood back up, his fingers making a sweeping motion as a portal opened below the Angel. And just like that, Shuyi disappeared from the battlefield.

"No!" He heard from off to the side. Shide looked back and spotted a man running towards him. His dress identified him as another Angel-young like Shuyi, but not good as him. The Angel cut a large swath through the demons that separated them as Shide  created another portal behind him. He allowed the Angel to get close enough to see his smug smile before stepping back and disappearing.

He heard the furious howl of the other angel as it closed. He allowed himself a small chuckle before snapping his fingers.


"Air!" he called, as his eyes finally found the injured Angel laid out on the cold stone floor of one of his spell rooms. The flow of his blood had slowed considerably from what it had been at the battle. He would be dead soon.

"Air!" he called again and within seconds she appeared.

Her eyes were wide as she caught sight of him. "You're back early. Usually you like to revel in your victories a little longer."

It was a true enough statement that he did not dispute it. "Other matters take precedence," he said gesturing to the man on the ground.

Confusion warred with disgust as she took in the injured Angel. "Is that a Angel?" she asked, the last word coming out in a strangled tone as though even saying the word would make her heave.

"Yes," he said simply.

Air looked at him again. "What is it doing here?" she asked with a raised brow.

"You are far more versed in the healing arts than I."

She understood what he was asking, but her confusion was still there. "Why?"

Shide shrugged. "He is a Pure Angel. I will get intel out of him before they have a chance to change their strategies and locations."

She looked dubious but nevertheless, she nodded and crouched down-moving her arms and hands, sweeping them over the angel. He could see her struggling.

His breathing was heavy with strain. "Some of his Angel mark prevent my magic from working-I can't heal him completely until they fade."

He'd thought that might be a problem. Angel and Demon magics didn't mesh terribly well. "Do what you can to ensure that he sees tomorrow, then," Shide said. Many of the Angel Mark would have faded by then. The Devil waved his hand and the ground gave way to them, Air did not stop her spell as she landed gracefully on the ground while the Angel landed in the bed of one of his more nondescript guestroom.

Air continued to worked and Shide gave her some of his power to boost her stores and speed the process along. Eventually she pulled away, breathing deeply. Shide couldn't see how much of the damage remained though the broken and tattered armor. He let he fingers move in a flourish and much of the Angel clothing disappeared.

Shuyi was covered in Angel Mark, as was to be expected. The dark marks were burned into his flesh daily, but they were not what caught his eye. The lingering effect of the demon's blade was a rather nasty scar stretching from the Angel shoulder down nearly to his hip.

Air made a vague gesture over the extensive damage. "The poison on the blade destroyed the flesh there. He will always have the scar."

Shide nodded silently as he came around the bed and looked down at the Angel. His hair and skin were still marred by the caked-on grime of battle and part of his face was obscured due to his position laying on his stomach, but Shuyi . . . beauty was not something that could be dismissed and ofcourse that Beautiful mole under his eyes, how can be a man so beautiful.

"He is quite the specimen, isn't he?" Air asked as she came to stand beside him.

Shide looked back at her, lips pursed as he caught her eyeing the Angel . Her disgust seemed to have lessened as she examined the physical form of the Angel. He was tempted to deny her claim but in the end what did it matter if he found the young man desirable? It meant nothing.

"You will keep him, yes?" she asked. "His wounds were far more severe than I'd thought and it took longer to heal. Any information that would have been useful is gone . . . but you do not seem inclined to dispose of him."

Shide nearly licked his lips. "No . . . No you are right, I will keep him. I've not had a Angel is quite a few centuries and this one . . ."

Shide reached out, running a finger down the side of the Angel face, banishing the sweat and grime from his skin. His matted and blood soaked hair was instantly clean and felt like silk beneath the Devil fingers.

"It's been a while since anyone interested you this way, Shide."

He snorted. "He is but a Angel -useless to me now but for one thing. I'll have my fill and then hang his body outside Heaven for his wife and children to see."

Air raised a brow, clearly unconvinced of his venom, but Shide found he didn't care. No, he thought as he turned away and began spelling the room sealed. Angel are such boring shallow creatures . . . this one is no different.

Devil PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now