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Shuyi shook his head. "Please, this can't just be about sex. I can't keep doing this."

The Devil eyes flashed in irritation. "You are asking for something that is impossible for me to give you."

The words were said, but even then, Shide wasn't entirely sure what it was that Shuyi was looking for. Love? A relationship? Anything that involved Shide thinking of anyone besides himself? The Devil  questioned his own ability to even feel such things, but then . . . this was Shuyi.

"I'm not trying to change you, Shide," Shuyi breathed out. "But it doesn't have to only be your way!"

Shide snorted. "As opposed to what? Your way? Rainbows and puppies for everyone as we all kiss and make up and forget the genocide your people attempted to inflict on the other creature's ?"

The Angel nostrils flared in anger. "Is that what you think about when you're with me? Have you been blaming me for what they did this entire time?"

Shide sent him a withering look. "If I did, you'd have been dead long ago."

Shuyi reared back, shoving the Devil away. "You . . . how are you like this?" he asked, voice catching in disappointed sadness.

The Devil  crossed his arms over his chest. "Centuries of living in hell will do that to a person, Shuyi. I didn't grow up in your sheltered Heaven  or even on this plane of existence. Hell is where I was reared."

"You . . . you never act this way with me," Shuyi whispered, looking away. The young man's shoulders had sagged down and his eyes carried a sorrow that Shide hadn't seen since that first night when he'd confessed his intentions to die in battle.

Shide hated that look on the Angel face—hated himself for putting it there. "And you're an expert, now?" he asked harshly. "After sleeping with me for a few months? I am a Demon ! The son of Lucifer! I'm not some soft mewling mortal boy for you to grow old with!"

Shuyi looked back up then, the blood draining from his face. Shide took a breath, calming himself. He regretted his words but wouldn't apologize.

The Devil  gestured around. "This sanctuary that I've built for you . . . perhaps it has allowed you to forget what I am."

Shuyi didn't respond at first, his gaze never wavering from Shide . "I am sorry son of Lucifer ,I see as a wrong way but. Did you forget what I am, too? I know I'm mortal. I'll die and you—you'll continue to go on. I know that whatever this is . . . it's not forever—but it doesn't have to be something so ugly either."
(In my story angels are mortal and devils are immortal)

Not forever. The words echoed through Shide mind. I'm keeping this—this boy locked up in my palace—jealously guarding him from every person who could possibly turn him from me. Coveting his affection and devotion. There was nothing ugly about Shuyi, but Shide  knew that within himself was something hideous. They would never grow old together, this much was true, but that cruel selfishness that seethed within him . . . It despised the thought of letting Shuyi go.

The Angel  had turned away from him, clearly hurt by the direction of the conversation. Shide contemplated leaving—stepping out and returning at a later date, but . . . he didn't wish to leave Shuyi  like that, but he also wasn't sure what to say. He'd never . . . never felt the need to comfort anyone before.

"I am very old, Shuyi. I've seen men and gods rise and fall . . . I've done both great and terrible things . . . I've never been shamed by my actions, and I will not be, now."

Shuyi sighed. "I just . . . I've never met anyone like you before, and I don't—I don't know what this is or what to do—what you want from me."

There was a thread of defeat that ran through Shuyi words Shide examined it and his own feelings. He had wanted this—this last gasp of independence from Shuyi. The end of the Angel and the beginning of his lover.

This had been his goal from the start.

But . . .

"I only want," he began, fingers trembling by his side in disgust at his own weakness. "I only want what you'll give to me—freely. I accept everything that you are, Shuyi, if you'll accept everything that I—that I am."

The Angel  turned back, eyes wide at the confession. The room was quiet as they stared at one another, and then Shide  saw the hesitant smile that curled Shuyi lips. It was . . . a breathtaking sight, he decided—worth such a small baring of his shriveled soul.

Shuyi advanced on him and pressed their mouths together. Their arms came around each other, pushing, pulling and grinding together. Shide shirt fell open as Shuyi pulled on it, exposing his throat and chest.

"How are you like this?" Shuyi asked again as he mouthed the junction of Shide neck and shoulder. The Angel voice was a strained whisper, and the words were the same but the question was entirely different. Shide felt his heart speed up—felt the way it pounded against his chest and his gasping breaths had Shide  looking up in concern.

"What's wrong?" the angel asked and Shide shook his head, pulling back slightly.

"It's . . . what is this?" he wondered aloud, his hand coming up to touch his chest.

Shuyi watched him, his own fingers grazing the skin of Shide chest and he had to feel the hammering pressure of the Devil  heart as it threatened to beat out of his chest.

"You . . ." Shuyi began as his hands came up and cupped Shide face. "Don't think too hard on it," Shuyi said kindly and Shide  hated that he appreciated the Angel words—that he wasn't using that word to describe what was clearly happening.

I can't . . . not him . . . not anyone . . .

He leaned in and kissed Shide again. The Angel  kept the kiss from deepening too far and he eventually pulled away.

"I . . . I need to get a shower after—after my run," Shuyi said.

Shide  raised a brow. Clearly there would be no sex tonight, but he nodded anyway and let his hands drop, watching Shuyi turn and walk away. This conversation—perhaps it had been a long time coming. His rapidly developing feelings towards Shuyi were . . . were unprecedented for the Devil .

Devil PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now