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The Devil would not be doing either. No . . . As Shide switched to the other nipple and felt Shuyi fingers caressing his face and listened to the hitched sounds coming from his lover. No, this one wouldn't be going anywhere . . . not for a long time anyway.

Shuyi breathing was uneven and the Devil  finally put his hands on the hard rod of flesh that had been digging into his stomach. The Angel  jolted in shock, his brows knitted together in hesitation, fear, and desire.

"I swore I'd make it good for you. I always keep my promises, Shuyi."

The young man swallowed before nodding and Shide smiled, brushing a soft kiss over Shuyi lips before moving down even further. His fingers hooked into the Angel  briefs, pulling them slowly down and revealing Shuyi somewhat purple erection.

"Oh . . . Shuyi," he said breathily, mouth literally watering as he leaned down and licked a stripe up the other man's cock.

The Angel  seemed to curl in on himself, sitting almost completely up so he could watch as Shide took him into his mouth and sucked down to the root. The magic that had infected his mouth would no doubt be making Shuyi feel as though he was being bathed in fire.

The Angel would never be able to look elsewhere for pleasure—not when Shide  was done with him.

"Ah . . . Oh God,"  Shuyi said through gritted teeth, his fingers lacing with Shide  over his thigh. "I—I can't . . ."

Shide wanted to tell him he could, but his mouth was otherwise occupied and so he doubled his efforts, tongue moving unnaturally around Shuyi  cock, enveloping it and rippling in a way that gave the Angel  no chance of holding back his orgasm.

The Angel breathing shuddered as his body trembled and Shide felt the gush of fluid in the back of his throat. He swallowed it, of course. It was only good manners and as he looked up, he found Shuyi watching him, his jaw hanging open and his face wrecked.

The Devil released the softening cock, getting up on his hands to look over his lover. "Are you alright?' he asked, only slightly pleased with the reaction.

"I . . . I didn't know . . ."

"Well now you do," he said leaning in and brushing his mouth over Shuyi.

Shide would admit that he'd mildly suspected that this would be the moment that his Angel  got cold feet and pushed him away. It wouldn't be the first time that someone had gotten what they wanted and then attempted to stiff Shide of his payment.

That being said, if it was the case, he could not even bring himself to be angry with a virgin Angel . He'd almost convinced himself that that was precisely what was about to happen . . . and then he felt a hand on his own cock, fingers rubbing his erection through his underwear.

"You . . . you don't have to—"

"I want to. I . . . I want all of it . . . please?"

And who was Shide to deny such a soft and pleading request."

His underwear was gone with a snap of his fingers and Shuyi leaned back into the pillows. His legs were still spread on either side of Shide hips and even though his erection was softening, it was still glossy with residual saliva.

Such a tempting sight.

A flourish of fingers brought a bowl of oil and Shuyi blinked at it—clearly aware of what it was and the intention behind its presence.

"Relax," he said, moving his hand down over Shuyi cock once again, finger light in deference to the Angel  sensitivity. Their gazes never parted as Shide leaned down, his other hand slipping down further and into Shuyi hidden space.

The young man swallowed as the first finger penetrated him and he blinked rapidly at the sensation. Shide  kissed Shuyi inner thigh in support as he began working the other man's hole open. It was tight, and more oil was needed before another finger would enter.

Shide spent more time prepping Shuyi than he ever had before. He had to make this good for Shuyi. The Angel  belief that he would die young—that this would be the only time he'd ever be given the chance to indulge in his own desires . . . Shide needed to wipe away the defeated sadness from those eyes.

If he didn't already loathe the Heaven , seeing results of their culture on Shuyi would have gotten him there. The young man was . . . sweet. It was a strange thing to find in someone who was clearly a strong and capable warrior—a leader of Angel who'd gone up against Creatures and devils .

And yet he was still so young, barely two decades on this world.

By the time Shide  was done, Shuyi erection had hardened once more and the Shuyi was flushed and panting while watching him.

"Are you sure, Shuyi."

The Angel licked his lips but nodded. "Yeah."

Shide knelt in closer, lining his hips up with Shuyi, before guiding himself inside. Shuyi was so warm and the small sounds he was making as he experienced sex for the first time . . .

"Are you alright?" Shide  asked, leaning over after seating himself completely. Shuyi legs came up on either side of Shide thighs, holding them close together. But his hands . . . they were still clenched into the sheets.

"You can touch me, you know," he whispered

The Angel nodded shallowly, his fingers releasing their death grip on the cloth before hesitantly, gliding over the skin over Shide ribs. When the Devil began to move, nails began digging into the flesh of his back and Shide smiled as he mouthed the skin of Shuyi neck. He sucked his fair share of marks into the other man's skin, biting and spilling his magic into Shuyi every once in a while when the hunter made a particularly delicious sound.

"I—I—Shide—It's . . ."  Shuyi said breathily, his arms coming around to completely encircle the Devil .

Shide smiled, picking up the pace and allowing more of his power to wash over Shuyi. The boy nerves would be on fire by now with a pleasure that was unnatural to all but the most powerful of Devil . Even so, Shuyi was trying his best not to come undone. He fought with himself and with the feelings that were no doubt trying to consume him.

"It's alright, angel. Don't hold back," he said pulling away from Shuyi neck long enough for their eyes to meet.

Shuyi pupils were blown wide and he surged up to meet Shide lips, moaning into the kiss. The Devil  let out a low groan of his own as the kiss turned as sloppy and untried as his thrusts were becoming. It was then that Shuyi jerked away, his jaw open wide as unseeing eyes looked up and his orgasm overtook him.

It was a sight to behold, really. Those dark dark eyes and pink pink lips bitten red as flushed skin shone with sweat. It was enough to drive Shide over the edge as well and he emptied himself inside Shuyi with a bitten off growl.

His eyes flashed, drawing Shuyi attention and for a fraction of a second, they were still. Doubts surfaced in Shide mind about the Angel earlier words, but they were quickly laid to rest as Shuyi  fingers wrapped around his neck and throat. The young man leaned up and their lips met once more.

It was slow this time, gentle and shallow as Shide slipped out of Shuyi body. The Demon eventually pulled away and turned over onto his back. They laid there side by side, Shuyi shifting slightly as his legs slowly straightened after being splayed wide for so long.

Devil PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now