Hit It Again - MCU Science Babies

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"Remember," Mr. Stark warns, "these people are royalty, so best behaviour."

I nod, too busy staring at the hill we're currently hurtling towards to reply. As we get closer and closer, my mind chants, We're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna-

I want to close my eyes and brace for impact, but I can't tear my gaze away. And then we're against the the ground. And then we're going through it. 

"What the heck?!" I gasp, and Mr. Stark laughs.

"Thought you'd like that."

"How does that work?!"

"Hold on, kid. Save your questions for someone who can actually answer them."

Heat creeps into my face. "Of course. Sorry."

Mr. Stark just laughs again. 

When we land outside the palace, there are two people waiting for us: a bald woman in red armour holding a spear and King T'Challa. 

"Welcome!" T'Challa says, stepping forward. 

"Thank you for having us, your highness," Mr. Stark says. "I trust you remember the kid?"

"Yes, of course," T'Challa smiles. "The Spiderboy."

"It's Spiderman, actually," I can't help but correct, before silently reprimanding myself. This is a king! You don't just correct a king!

"My apologies." The Black Panther indicates the woman. "This is Okoye, the general of the Dora Milaje."

"The Dora Milaje?" Mr. Stark inquires.

"An elite force of female warriors," the general resolves. 

"Cool," I breathe. 

"Why don't you come in," T'Challa invites, and we follow him into the large building. 

He leads us through corridors then stops outside a door. "This is the lab."

My jaw drops as I stare around the massive room, filled with cool tech. T'Challa's voice fades, replaced by the sheer cool that is the Wakanda royal lab.

Mr. Stark laughs. "Careful, kid, or you'll drool all over this very expensive floor."

"Mr. Stark, let's never go home," I breathe.

"Yeah, I don't think your aunt would like that."

But the king says, "You're welcome to stay as long as you like."

Before either of us can reply, a loud female voice calls, "Brother! Watch!" and a girl flies up to us, seemingly completely unaided.

That is, until I see the tiny, almost invisible drone flying a few inches underneath her chunky metal boots, and the remote she's fiddling with as she flies.

I put a few things together, and say before I can stop myself, "Hi, I'm Peter! Those are electromagnets, right? That's what the drone's for!"

The girl's eyes light up. "Yes! The magnets in the drone repel those in the boots and-"

"-Make the levitating appearance!" I finish, practically vibrating with excitement.

"Come here, I'll show you something cool!" And she flies off, wobbling slightly as she descends.

I run down the spiral in the centre of the lab and find her holding up a small, triangular shield.

"What's that do?" I ask.

The girl grins. "Watch." She flicks the wrist holding the shield, and it grows, suddenly expanding to hide her entire body.

I gasp. "Nanotech?! That's awesome!"

"Hit it," she orders.

I shrug and punch it as hard as I can, which is pretty damn hard thanks to spider super strength. The girl, and the shield, slide back an inch or so.

There's a moment of silence, then she sticks her head out from the side of the shield.

"The Hell was that?!"

"I have super strength?"

"But you're so scrawny! How could you possibly be strong enough to do that?"

"I am not scrawny!"

"You're a literal twig."

"It's true, kid, you are pretty small."

I jump at the voice behind me. I had all but forgotten Mr. Stark was here.

The girl shakes her head. "Whatever. Hit it again!"

I glance around and see Mr. Stark holding up his phone.

"Are you recording?" I demand.

"For your aunt! She asked for photos and things of our trip!"

Grumbling, I turn back to the shield and hit it even harder this time, driving all my frustration into the attack.

However, instead of the girl being pushed back again, I go flying backwards, landing on my behind with a yelp.

Mr. Stark, T'Challa and the girl all burst out laughing as I yell, "What was that?!"

"It stores kinetic energy," the girl replies gleefully, "and redistributes it! Essentially, you punched yourself!"

For a second, I'm furious that it's on video. Then I'm overwhelmed by excitement again. I leap to my feet. "That's so cool! How did you make that work?"

She launches into an explanation, at the end of which, she says, "I'm Shuri, by the way."

"My sister," T'Challa supplies.

Wait... If she's his sister... And he's the king...

I got flung across the room by a princess?! I JUST HAD SCIENCE TALK WITH A PRINCESS?!

I know the moment Shuri realises what I realised, because she bursts out laughing and drags me off to show off the next bit of tech.

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