10 (2/3)

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(Third person POV)

"Kookiiieeeeeee!" Taehyung yelled from the living room. "What Tae?!" Jungkook yelled from upstairs. "Come down! You have to see this!" Taehyung yelled out excitedly. As Jungkook walked downstairs, he saw his boyfriend jumping up and down on the sofa yelling out in excitement. "What happened?" Jungkook asked. "Look! Jin and Namjoon hyung is adopting a baby!" Taehyung yelled out. "And I thought you were a top" Jungkook mumbled. "Yah! I still am! Now, look! Isn't he cute?" Taehyung asked Jungkook showing the picture of the baby. "Yea, he is..." Jungkook said looking at the picture closely. "Hey! Look! Jin hyungs' also getting married!" Jungkook said pointing at the ring Jin had on his ring finger. "Oh! Yes! He is! We have to ask them when's the wedding!" Taehyung said as he furiously started calling Jin. 


Taehyung: Hyung! 

Jin: Yes Tae?

Taehyung: Are you getting married? On the post Kookie saw you with a ring 

Jin: u-um... actually....yes, I was going to tell you guys today, but I guess you guys already know.....

Taehyung: Really?! Omo I need to tell Jimin and Yoongi hyung!

Jin: No! Don't tell them yet, we'll surprise them!

Taehyung: ok Hyung! 

Jin: ok then, bye! Me and Joonie need to get home!

Taehyung: ok hyung! Bye! Tell me when's the wedding later too!

Jin: Taehyung me an-

*Taehyung hangs up*

"Ok Kookie, yes they are getting married, and no, we can't tell Jimin and Yoongi hyung yet" Taehyung said to Jungkook, knowing what he's going to ask. "Ok..." Jungkook said looking down. "And in the meantime...." Taehyung looked mischievously at Jungkook. "You will come and cuddle with me" Taehyung said pulling his boyfriend beside him. "Yah! Tae! I still have homework to do!" Jungkook said as he was pulled. "Homework or me?" Taehyung asked. "Of course homework" Jungkook said sarcastically. "Fine! Then go do your homework!" Taehyung said as he stomped off to his room. "Tae?" Jungkook said as he knocked on his door. "........" "I'm coming in..." Jungkook said as he slowly opened the door, to see a crying Taehyung in front of him. "T-Tae I- I didn't mean it!" Jungkook said as he snuggled close to his crying boyfriend. "I- I'm sorry......" Jungkook said as he tried flipping Taehyung over to face him. Jungkook then gave small pecks all over Taehyung's face making him giggle. "Fine I forgive you, now go do your homework before that crazy teacher of your's gets mad" Taehyung said as he got up. "Aye aye sir!" Jungkook said as he mimicked a police officer. Taehyung then chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness. 

A few days later

(Taehyung POV)

As I woke up, I found the space next to me empty. I started getting nervous, every day Kookie, when I wake up, he's next to me bidding a good morning before going downstairs or whatever. But he's not here today. "Kookie!" I yell out worried. "Yea?" I heard downstairs. Sighing in relief, I went downstairs. "Where were you?" I asked. "I thought of inviting Jin and Namjoon hyung over and making them a dinner for their marriage" Kookie said. "Oh, ok, I'll go upstairs and get ready, k?" I asked. "Hm go ahead" he hummed. 

After getting the food ready

"Hyungs!" Kookie said after Jin and Namjoon hyung came. "To celebrate you guys' wedding, my Kookie decided to make you guys' a dinner!" I said motioning at the food we made. "Awe~ look at my babies, you've grown so much!" Jin hyung said pinching me and Kookie's cheeks. "Yah! Get your hands off my Kookie!" I said swatting his hand away from my Kookie. "He's a keeper" I heard him say to Kookie. "Hehehe, I know" I heard Kookie say giggling. While we were talking, we heard the doorbell ring. "Did you guys invite anyone else over?" Jin hyung asked looking at us. "No?" I said walking towards the door. When I opened the door, I fell over and........

(Another cliffhanger) Hi! two thirds of the chapter out! The "book" is also at done! Thank you guys for reading! 

I 💜 you!

~Namjin/Taekook/Yoonmin~ Lovely Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now