Angela the Wingless one:

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Once upon a time, in a town called Glagos in Greece, there was a small cabin in the woods,
far away from the other houses. In the cabin, was a child, she was all alone. This child was
named Aldrif Odinsdottir. She was left all alone for years. When she turned 11, an angel came
for her and raised her as her own.

This is the story of when Angela becomes Aldrif again.

~Present time~

I used my powers as good as I could, but it did not seem to matter much. “One against twenty” I thought, fair enough. Every time I knocked one of them out, five new guards came rushing in.

This made me angry. I could not handle it anymore and my powers took control. Green fire blasted out of my hands as I fought them all. I used the water around me to my advantage and guided it to shield me.

~3 days prior~

I was talking to my mom when the queen’s guards burst in our house.

“Justice Wind, you are under arrest for treason against the queen.”

“Angela the wingless one, you are here by banished from Heaven.”

“What, why?” I asked.

“You shall leave right at this moment and never some back, Asgardian princess.” One of the
guards spat.

“Mom, what do they mean by Asgardian princess?”

“Angela, there is a letter in my drawer addressed to you, read it and just know, I am sorry.”

I had tears in my eyes at this point. I screamed and kicked but nothing worked. The guards
took my mom and told me to leave within an hour. The next thing I knew was that I was all

I do not know how long I just sat there, but I eventually got up and packed. When I was
done, I sat on my mom’s bed with her letter in my hands. I ripped the letter open and read it.

“Dear Angela.

You will never know how deeply I care for you. I never told you who your blood parents are,
and you never asked. I guess you did not want to hurt my feelings, but you deserve to know.

If you are reading this, then I am long gone, and I am sorry. You never deserved this, but just
know I love you.

You are Aldrif Odinsdottir, heir to the throne of Asgard and first born to Odin. You see, a
long time ago, Asgard was at war with the Tenth Realm, Heaven.

In an attempt to blackmail Odin to surrender, the Queen of the Angels kidnapped you, Odin's first-born and heir to Asgard. Odin refused and witnessed the death of his infant daughter.

Enraged, the All-Father banished all the Angels and sealed off Heaven from the other Nine Realms.

Unbeknownst to Odin and the Queen of the Angels, you survived, and I raised you in secret,
as a Huntress of Heaven known as Angela the Wingless One. I am sorry I did not tell you

Love you always, Justice <3.”

My blood was boiling, the tears were streaming down my face. The only thing echoing in my
head was “My whole life was a lie” repeatedly.

I grabbed my bags and got on a Pegasus and
flew, far, far away. I sat on earth’s moon considering whether to go “home” or to go to earth.

The way to Asgard from here was almost three days, so I got on my Pegasus and started my
journey. Without the help of the gatekeeper Heimdall, I could not get in to Asgard without
being seen as a possible threat.

~Skip to Angela’s arrival at the borders of Asgard~

I flew up alongside the waterfalls and had my guard on high alert, just in case. When I
stopped at the rainbow bridge, I could already hear them coming.

Twenty soldiers ran towards
me at high speed, all of them letting out battle cries. I stepped off my Pegasus and ran towards them letting out my own battle cry.

~Skip to present time~

When I knocked out the five last ones, I started walking towards the castle. Just when I was
about to knock on the huge door that led inside the castle, someone threw them open and just
looked at me. He hade a read cape and long blonde hair, in his hand he held a big hammer.

“Announce yourself, maiden.”

“I am no maiden; I am a princess and you shall answer to me. Who are you?”

“I am your future king, how dare you disrespect me; I should have your head.”

“I am here to speak to the allfather, Odin.”

“What makes you think you will be allowed to speak to him?”

I huffed in annoyance. I was tired of arguing with this moron and just stunned him with my
powers. He was about to hit me with lightning. That is when I remembered where I had heard
of the hammer before, Mjolnir this man must be Thor god of thunder, my little brother.

I levitated him to follow me and went to find Odin. I saw an aged man sitting on the throne in the throne room. He looked bored out of his mind and like he hadn’t slept properly in years.


“That is me, what is your business here?"

“My name is Angela the wingless one. I do not know if you remember me, but I went by the
name of Aldrif Odinsdottir when you knew me.”

A look of realization was evident on his face and he arose from his seat.

“It cannot be...?” he went up to me and lifted the arm of my t-shirt looking at my birthmark.

“Aldrif, it is really you, oh lord I thought you were dead.”

“No, the angels raised me, I only found out about my past three days ago.”

“Guards, guards. We must notify the kingdom and our family, my daughter is back, our future queen is home!”



I am aware that it is quite short, but so be it.

This is my twist to her story, in the real plot, she actually despises asgardians.

Word count: 1032.

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