• dating them •

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basically headcanons about dating them, what dating them is like, things that happen when you date them, etc. 

hisirdoux casperan

- "let me do your eyeliner" [y/n] and "okay, come sit on my lap" douxie

- likes making you listen to his music and feels very proud when you compliment him since 

- "hisirdoux, this is not the time for dreadful music!" "dreadful??" "absolutely infernal"

- archie is very fond of you 

- doesn't get jealous easily but is protective of you

- he would be overjoyed when you ask him if he can teach you how to play the guitar

- he teaches you like so: he sits behind you while you're sitting in between his legs on the floor, he first teaches you the strumming pattern so you get the hang of it, and while you strum, he plays the chords

- he also keeps his arm around your waist while his other hand is playing

- if you can already play an instrument, he always loves to hear you play

- his love language: quality time, physical touch, and words of affection

- when you go to the cafe he works at, he sometimes lets you eat/drink for free 

- he loves it when you shut him up with a kiss

- like he'll be rambling and you kiss him. he'll just stare at you with admiration in his eyes and all the words he was saying just left his mouth entirely

- likes it when you run your fingers through his hair

- i headcanon that he's a tad bit insecure but he will absolutely n e v e r let you be insecure about yourself and showers you with affection anytime you feel down about yourself

- if you can't sleep, he'll hold you and hum to you softly while keeping you close to his chest so you can hear his heartbeat

- "you hear that? that heart beats for you, darling"

- calls you "darling" (most often), "love", "babe"

- he likes PDA. he loves holding your hand, wrapping his arm around your waist, and giving your small and sweet kisses on your cheek, forehead, or lips

- he loves hearing your voice. whether it's you reading his favorite book to him out loud, singing, or just talking to him, he loves the sound of your voice

- his favorite part of your body to kiss is your lips. he loves them. they're so soft and alluring to him

 krel tarron

- he's very much inexperienced with human relationships so you teach him a lot of stuff 

- while doing so, he falls even more for you than he could ever imagine

- he kisses your forehead and wishes you goodnight every night

- he really likes to play the pocky game with you. but that's just his excuse to kiss you more

- he gets worried about you quite a lot so he calls you multiple times when he's nervous about your whereabouts/safety/etc.

- he doesn't understand PDA (public displays of affection) but if you hold his hand in public, he won't remove it or anything

- over time, he gets more comfortable with PDA so he starts to initiate it

- he gets jealous pretty easily ngl but he completely trusts you

- very often he'll randomly come into your room (or come to wherever you are) and give you a kiss

- when you compliment him on something he'll be all like "of course, I'm a genius remember?" 

- but inside he loves receiving words of praise from you 

- he likes hugging you from behind and resting his head on your shoulder

- he often needs reassurance

- he l o v e s making fun of the stupid and silly things you do 

- his mood instantly gets better whenever he sees you

- he loves cuddling with you in his Akiridion form as that way, he can have all four arms wrapped around you

- he likes playing with your hair

- he kisses every part of your face to cheer you up when you're upset

c.douxie + t.krel headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now