• them as your secret admirer •

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hisirdoux casperan

- he's definitely the type to write letters to you and putting them in your locker

- he also would most definitely write songs and poems for you too 

- he stares at you lovingly 

- a lot

- archie teases him all the time

- "so when are you gonna ask them out?"

- "shut up arch"

- "i'll take that as a never"

- he constantly thinks about what he would do to confess 

- he probably writes a confession song and sings it to you as he expresses his feelings best through music

krel tarron

- he honestly just silently watches you during class 

- not in a creepy way though 

- but sometimes he stares for too long and you look at him and smile and he blushes and looks down, thinking you found the staring creepy

- he probably writes cheesy poems for you and recites them to himself in his room 

- and then crumples the paper and throws them in the bin

- likewise, aja CONSTANTLY teases him 

- like so much omg

- "little brother, just tell them. i mean what's the worst that can happen?"

- "a lot of things, aja."

- "varvatos vex agrees with the queen. the king should express his feelings towards the one he loves. just like varvatos did with nancy."

- he probably confesses by giving you a poem with his confession embeded in it 

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