• dates •

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what dates with them are like, where they would take you, etc.

hisirdoux casperan

- he loves going to the arcade with you 

- playing on the DDR and playing that basketball game (idk what it's called) 

- he also loves at home dates when you guys are watching movies and cuddling 

- or you listening to him playing the guitar 

- or him teaching you how to play 

- he also will try to get you some small gift for every outdoor date

- he loves having picnic dates too 

- ✨making out✨

krel tarron

- again, another dude who loves having at home dates

- he doesn't like going out and having dates 

- besides like going to the movies with you

- he REALLY likes going to the movies with you 

- he honestly doesn't like watching romantic movies with you (lmao nor do i) 

- but if you want to watch it, he will allow it 

- the entire time, he'll be looking at you though, and not the movie

- once again

- ✨making out✨

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