Chapter 1- April fools planning

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April 1st, aka April Fools' day, was a mere day away. Many people dreaded a day full of surprise pranks, while others looked forward to all the laughs.

The town of Magnolia and its famous guild were no exception. Quite a few Fairy Tail Wizards were in preparation for the inevitable prank wars. Well, the prank wars were mostly between Natsu and Gray, but nearly everyone tried to pull at least one prank every year.

Now, Mirajane didn't usually get involved in guild pranks. Of course, she would pull a few on her siblings before the day ended, but that was it for Mira. But this year she had a very special prank planned. One that would be the most entertaining, and hopefully, get her ships to finally set sail to romance.

She was just so excited for it that she couldn't keep the huge smile off her face. The mere thought made her giddy. It was just too much to keep in.

"What has you so happy, Mira?" Lucy asked, snapping Mira from her thoughts.

Mira glanced up from wiping down the counter to meet Lucy's questioning eyes. In an instant, she was back to her usual chipper level. She couldn't let the surprise slip just yet.

"Oh nothing. Just excited to see what kind of pranks everyone comes up with tomorrow. There have been some rather interesting ones in the past." Mira replied as casually as she could.

"Pranks?" Lucy raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. Tomorrow is April Fools day." Mira explained.

Lucy's eyes bugged out of her head and she sat as straight as a board.

"That's tomorrow! Oh no, I'll still have to prank proof my apartment and make sure Natsu can't get in. I might actually have to barricade myself in there all day tomorrow." Lucy groaned.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Mira giggled.

Lucy calmed in her panic and eyed Mira suspiciously. She has known the takeover mage long enough to know something was up. Mira always seemed to have matchmaking plan in the works, but Lucy had to wonder what Mira could possibly have up her sleeve on a day like April fools. It's not like there was anything romantic about it.

"What are you planning?" Lucy questioned.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with. Just come in tomorrow and be prepared for a show." Mira remarked.

Before Lucy could question her further, Mira walked away from the bar with a tray of drinks in hand. She passed them out and tended to her other surviving duties. All the while, she thought about the set up of her big plan.


It was two weeks before and Mira had asked Jason, the Sorcerer weekly reporter and her old friend, out for lunch. While it was nice to catch up with her overly enthusiastic friend, Mira had a plan she needed help with.

However, she couldn't bring herself to just come out and ask for it. She felt like she had to ease into it.

"So, how has the magazine been going? Anything new?" Mira asked.

"So coooooool!" Jason exclaimed. "I just got the scoop on this mystery new guild that has popped out of no where. They aren't close to being as big as Fairy Tail, but they are climbing the ranks and climbing them fast. I'm going to interview the guild master tomorrow. They are said to have all kinds of new magics and cool spells. It's going to be the story of the year! So coooooooool!"

"That's great." Mira smiled.

"Thanks." Jason remarked happily. "So, what can I do for my favorite model? That is why you called, right? You need one of your old Sorcerer Weekly connections?"

Mira gave a bashful smile and rubbed her arm sheepishly. Jason really was more observant than he let on.

"Well, I have a special plan for April fools day, but I need your help with it." Mira replied.

She ducked under the table and went for her purse that sat at her feet. She rummaged around in there for a solid minute, before she finally dug out a folded up piece of paper.

"Here it is!" Mira remarked.

Jason eyed it as Mira slid it across the table to him.

"This is what I need. Do you think you can help me with it?" Mira asked.

Jason unfolded the paper and read over all that she had written. It was well detailed and gave very clear instructions on what she wanted.

As Jason read it, his face was expressionless, not giving away any hint about what he thought of her idea. She began to worry that he wouldn't help her.

"Well?" Mira asked nervously.

Jason gazed up from the paper and a big smile slowly spread across his face.

"This coooooool!" Jason cheered. "Of course, I'll help! When do you want them?"

"The night before or early morning of April 1st at the latest." Mira replied. "Can you do that?"

"Awesome. I'll make sure they get to you by then. I'll get started on this right away." Jason assured.

With that, he shot up, ready to leave so he could start on this new project. He shoved his belongings into his bag and started to walked off.

"Oh, and Jason?" Mira added.

Jason stopped to look over his shoulder at her.

"Yeah?" Jason asked.

"Can you also send a few of those to the Sabertooth guild?" Mira questioned.

"I can totally do that." Jason gave a thumbs up. "So coooooool!"

End of flashback

Mira giggled to herself at the memory. Tomorrow was going to be a great day, and she couldn't wait for the results.

As the day came to an end, Mira became a little tense. It was pretty late and it hadn't arrived yet.

Mira was a bit worried but Jason did say they would come on time. She would just had to wait for tomorrow. With no other choice, she carried on with her duties for the day, and tried her best to act normal.

When the next day finally came, Mira woke up extra early to get to the guild and have her prank ready. She left breakfast and a note for her siblings, letting them know she had work to do and that they could stop by the guild whenever.

Once she got to the guild, she was relieved to find her package settled at the front door. Mira didn't waste time any time as she scooped it up and brought it inside. The guild was empty. Not even master Makarov was there yet. Perfect.

She brought the package behind the bar and eagerly ripped it open. To her great joy, the stacks of the special Sorcerer Weekly magazines she asked for sat in the box.

"Yes!" Mira squealed.

She snatched one out and flipped through it to check it over. Jason had done everything she'd asked for and then some. Mira's plan was sure to work now.

After a quick clean up of the guild hall, Mira set the magazines on the corner of the bar counter. Even set a little tag on top, encouraging people to take one when they arrived. She hoped that if a few people took one and started talking about them, it would reach the ears of the right people.

Within the hour the guild had started to fill with mages, and with them, came the start of the prank wars.

Buckets of water were poured over peoples heads, Whoopi cushions and other trinkets were left on chairs for any unsuspecting people, and even a few surprise pies to the face. It was all fun and games, even if some people did look irritated by the pranks.

However, not one person had taken a magazine, and Mira had a hard time trying to conceal her frustration. If no one read the magazine, than none of the guys could react to what was inside. Her plan would be ruined before it even began.

She was currently wiping down a mug much harder than necessary. Her devious, shipping brain trying to think of subtle ways to bring attention to her magazine. 

To be continued...

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