Chapter 9- Sabertooth pranks

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In the capital city, known as Crocus, the town's people and their Sabertooth guild were pranking just as much as their friends in Magnolia.

Most of the towns people just did silly pranks on each other, but the wizards went a little futher. They even used some magical items for the pranks to make things interesting.

But a special delivery changed all that. For the guys, at least. Many of them had given up on the pranks in favor of 'The Lovely Ladies of Fairy Tail' magazine.

Rogue stood off to the side with Frosch, to keep out of prank range, but kept a curious eye on the group of males. It was weird. One minute they were hurling magic items at each other as a prank, the next they were huddled together, whispering about the contents of a magazine.

Rogue rolled his eyes as he heard their pervy comments about the girls featured inside. Of course that's what would distract them. He shouldn't be surprised.

"Hey, Rogue!" Sting suddenly called.

The white dragon slayer ran in a second later with Lector close behind. Both of them were both dripping wet but only Sting was grinning.

"Sorry I'm late. Lector pranked me this morning and I didn't have time to clean up." Sting remarked.

Rogue glanced between the two curiously.

"Then why is he wet too?" Rogue questioned.

"Oh, I got my revenge." Sting snickered.

Lector nodded slowly in defeat as he tried to ring out the water from his tail. Now he really wished he had come up with something different to prank Sting. One that didn't involve water.

"What's going on here? After all the big talk yesterday, I thought the guild would be in pieces by now." Sting commented.

"Some magazines about Fairy Tail got sent here this morning. I think it was a mix up, but they seem to be...enjoying them." Rogue replied.

"Frosch, thinks to too." The frog dressed exceed added.

"A magazine? What's so great about that on a day like today?" Sting raised an eyebrow.

Lector suddenly shook out the rest of the water from his fur, interrupting them. The two dragon slayers shielded their faces from the droplets until there was none left. His fur was a bit puffy when he finally stopped, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Who knows? Maybe it's something really cool! I'll go check." Lector announced.

With that, the Exceed was off to find out what all the fuss was about. Frosch followed after him, just as curious.

Two two exceeds returned a minute later with a copy of the pink covered magazine. Lector flipped through, merely skimming the pages for anything that stuck out to him. Frosch stood beside him and pointed as shiny things found on the pages.

"So, what's so great about it?" Sting asked.

"Nothing much. Just some stuff about the girls at Fairy Tail." Lector shrugged.

"Eh, that's it? Well, I'm going to go pull a few pranks then head to the office. Maybe I'll actually get some paper work done." Sting remarked.

He started to walk away, preparing to prank the first member he could. He shuffled through his prank bag, hoping for something good as his second trick of the day. At least until Lector spoke again.

"Oh! Looks like they included Yukino and lady Minerva too." Lector added.

Sting stopped in his tracks and turned right back around. His bag of pranks completely forgotten about.

"Really?" Sting asked.

"In a Fairy Tail guild magazine?" Rogue raised an eyebrow.

The twin dragons walked over to Lector, curious about why two of their own were featured in a Fairy Tail magazine. There had to be a reason for it.

"Yep. They even have their own sections dedicated to them and a personal information page. It's kind of cool they got included. It's probably because of our alliance after the Grand Magic Games." Lector stated.

Sting and Rogue nodded. Lector had a point. Maybe there was nothing suspicious about it and it really was just some appreciation.

However, when Lector turned to the next page his whole body turned white with shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. It had to be wrong. He rubbed his eyes, hoping it would change, but the pages remained the same.

On the left page was Yukino with a faded image of a man about to kiss her with the quote "Has the lovely Celestial mage of Sabertooth found the boyfriend of her dreams? Looks like it! Rumors say he is a mysterious romantic! That's one mage off the market!"

On the right page was Minerva with a similar set up, but her's read "It seems the beautiful Lady Minerva has found herself the boyfriend to sweep her off her feet and steal her heart!"

The two noticed Lector's sudden change and became concerned.

"What happened?" Sting asked.

Lector wasn't sure what to say. He knew how Sting felt about Yukino, and wasn't sure how he would take such news. He would have to do this gently.

"" Lector tried to find an excuse.

"Yukino and Minerva have boyfriends." Frosch answered for him.

Sting, Rogue, and Lector stared at Frosch in disbelief. Of all times for Frosch to speak up, it had to be the worst time.

"Wait, what! Let me see." Sting demanded.

He snatched the magazine before Lector could protest and read over it himself. Rogue glanced over his shoulder, just to be sure he heard correctly. Lector just stood with Frosch, silently hoping their reactions wouldn't be too bad.

However, to the dragon slayers horror, they read about the details about the boyfriends of the two they secretly loved.

That small amount of information was enough to infuriate them. They couldn't believe that Yukino and Minerva had kept such a secret. Especially from them. Weren't they close enough to tell each other these things?

Sting suddenly tore the magazine down the bind and dropped it, scattering the pages to the floor. He didn't want to look at the stupid magazine anymore. He just needed to talk with Yukino and he needed to now!

Rogue wasn't going to just stand by and let this happen either. He couldn't. Not after what they've been through together.

With that decided, Rogue and Sting headed for the bar, where Yukino and Minerva were chatting.

Lector sighed. So much for trying to handle things calmly. But instead of getting in their way, he decided to gather up the fallen pages to throw them away. No use in keeping a ripped magazine, right?

But when he picked up the last page he was in for an even bigger shock. Staring back at him was Mirajane's face with a little peace sign and a speech bubble that said "Happy April fools! Hope you enjoyed my little shipping prank!"

"Oh no. This is bad." Lector muttered.

He had to get their attention and warn them about this before they made huge fools of themselves.

He tried to run after them, but his short legs were no match for the stubborn Dragon slayers.

"Sting! Rogue! Over here. Come on. Look over here." Lector called.

He tried to be subtle, but it wasn't working. They were almost to the bar, and he had to act fast. So, he did the only other thing he could think of.


To be continued...

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