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Mentioned suicide

Nagito Komaeda

Hajime Hinata

Kazuichi Souda {not important to the story}
A/N: I am so sorry it took me so long to update this book. I was so caught up with my other fanfics.

Anyway, this oneshot is inspired by series: Ghost Whisperer (just a little bit)

Words counter: 1061

He always wondered why he was lucky to have the most beautiful person by his side..

Nagito Komaeda

I woke up, once again in the middle of the night. The love of my life wasn't with me.
That wasn't usual for him.

I sat up and wrapped a soft and thin blanket around my shoulders to keep myself a little warm. My legs were getting more and more cold as I proceeded to walk through the apartment.

I knew for a while that if Hajime isn't next to me, he's in the living room or somewhere around the apartment, but there was no sign of him.

Last thing I remember him saying was: "I'm going for a walk, okay?"

My body was getting more cold, it was like I didn't have the blanket covering my shoulders.

I went to the kitchen.

I saw a kitchen knife covered with blood and a fresh blood stain under it.

I didn't pay much attention to it and continued to walk through the apartment.
Everytime I moved, I felt less like a living human. I was very cold, I wish I could warm myself up a little.

There weren't Hajime's shoes in the hallway, so I assumed he was still out. But it was almost 4am. Even if he was out drinking with Kazuichi, he returned home pretty much sober and around 11pm.

I left the apartment, making my way down the stairs. I was getting even more cold and the time it took me to actually get to the ground floor felt like forever.

I finally left the building. A freezing cold wind was flying through me which was weird, my whole body was cold even my insides.

I went to the bar Kazuichi usually took Hajime to, but it was already closed. I went everywhere Hajime could possibly be at and I couldn't find him.

Not even at the place he proposed to me at.

I went to the beach - place, where our first date took place. I saw him at the shore, his feet in the water. He was dressed in a black suit, the shoes next to him and he looked very sad.

He looked like he was at funeral. Next to him was a iron urn with different signs.

"Hajime..?" I mumbled and sat down next to him.

He didn't reply, he kept staring at the sea. He was looking at it so deeply like nothing could disturb him.

I touched his shoulder to catch his attention, but my hand went through his body.

I took a closer peek at the urn to see the name. I saw my name carved into the iron urn.

My jaw fell, I was shaking.

"Why.. Why Nagito..." Hajime mumbled, tears rolling from his eyes down his cheeks. His tears were sparkling in the moonlight, even if he was sad, he looked very beautiful.

I placed my hand on his hand and kissed his cheek. He touched his left cheek, the one I kissed, and tears were rolling faster and in bigger amounts. Now I was crying too.

I began writing something in the sand to let him know how much I love him.

He noticed it once I was done.

'Dear Hajime,
I want you to know that I'm here and that I really, really love you.
I'm glad I got to marry you and I really wanted to spend my whole life with you.
I'm sorry for being a disappointment and dying after a year of our new relationship.

  - Nagito Komaeda <3'

He looked at the text with wide eyes. The tears stopped and he wiped them away.

"Nagito..?" Hajime mumbled.

I erased the text and wrote a yes with a question mark.

"Is this really you?"

Another yes.

"How..? How is this possible?"

'I don't really know..'

Hajime changed the position he was sitting in so he could face the text as soon as it appears.

"Do you remember how you died?" he asked a strange question.

'No, I remember waking up in our bed'

'How do you know?' I added.

"I figured. You didn't specify how you died, because it was... hm... not caused by anyone else, but you"

'I killed myself?'

"Yeah.. You did. You did it a couple of days ago, you bled to death" Hajime said.

'So that explains the knife' I thought to myself.

'Have you visited the apartment ever since?'

''No. I stayed over at Kazuichi's place. I just couldn't go to the place where you died"

'I'm sorry for causing you this despair'

"It's okay.. Can you tell me why?"

'I don't really know..'

"Oh, okay.."

The true reality

Nagito Komaeda

"Nagito, darling, are you okay?" I heard my husband, Hajime, say.


"You spaced out, " he said with a smile, "It's been happening to you a lot.. Are you sure you're okay?" his lovely smile turned into worried smile.

"I'm sure, you don't have to worry about me" I said and kissed him.

"If you say so, pumpkin" Hajime said and held me closer to his chest.

"What would you do if I killed myself?" I asked out of nowhere. I was plain curious and it had something to do with the nightmare I just had.

"Why are you asking?" Hajime asked.

"No reason, boo"

"Nagito, I'm worried. If there's something you're not telling me-"

"I just had a nightmare.. Couple for minutes ago" And I told him all about it.

"It was just a nightmare, nothing to worry about" he reassured me and began planting soft kisses all over my jawbones and neck.

"Have I already told you that I looooove you?" I smiled.

"Of course you did, I love you too Nagito.. Please never leave me, okay?" Hajime looked me dead in the eyes as I nodded. He kissed me and we cuddled on the couch for the rest of the day.

We totally forgot about the fancy date we planned.

But, oh well.. This was way better than a diner.

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