Chapter 2

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The storage room was cramped. Too cramped. Draco could feel Harry's heart beating fast against his back. He started breathing heavily. Why was it so cramped? Out of all the places to hide, he had to pick the storage room?? What a cutie. A baka, but still a cutie.

Of course they were gonna be stuck so close together in there. Harry couldn't move. After that hot kiss that happened in the classroom with him, he was frozen.

"Are you gay?" Draco said, looking straight into Harry's bright green eyes. Harry wanted to open his mouth, to answer, but nothing came out. Draco frowned slightly, his face burning.

Unable to look away, Harry leaned forward, as if in a trance. In that moment, he made a split second decision.

He made a bold move.

A fast, unexpected one.

Harry's lips locked against Draco's. Pushing him against the storage room's wall, he passionately smothered Draco. They didn't even care if people could hear them moaning from outside.

     What a rebel, Draco thought as he pressed his lips harder onto Harry's. It was freeing, like he was unleashing all of his caged love that had been kept inside ever since he first met Harry at Hogwarts. Deepening his kiss, and falling on top of him, they became one, all worries about their reputation disappearing as they pressed closer to each other. Harry started moaning louder and louder each minute until they couldn't hold their breath anymore.

Just as Draco began stripping his shirt off, Harry stopped. He couldn't do this anymore. Harry could feel his own heart beating faster and faster every time he made longer eye contact with Draco. He's never kissed a man before. The audacity of it having been with Draco Malfoy, his tormentor and enemy from his old school? He almost vomited in embarrassment. How could he ever talk to him again? Draco pulled his wand out of his cloak and summoned an invisibility cloak.

That's not even a spell- Harry thought, but didn't question it. He was too enraptured by Draco's beauty. 

Meanwhile, Draco didn't seem to be fazed by the kiss. Only Harry. He never even kissed his own girlfrie-. That's when it hit him. Ginny. He has a girlfriend.

,Eh i can just dump her," Harry laughed.
"Cmon Harry, Lets go," Draco said as he dragged the long invisibility cloak over his back. They were sharing one???
Draco peeked his head outside, saw nobody(even though they had a cloak)was there, then dragged Harry out with him.
Continuing to hold his hand, Harry and Draco ran. Ran to Draco's house.


Harry didn't know how long they were running for, but it was a while. And somehow they ended up at a long, tall black colored building with too many edges, that appeared to be Draco's house. Draco's house was sooo edgy and goth, it matched Harry's nails perfectly. Like, it was amazing. They were probably soulmates...

"Let's go in," Draco said, squeezing his hand.

As soon as they got in, they collapsed on the floor from running. After all, they were old and fat.

What the heck was going to happen after someone sees the picture? Would they get fired? Missing a day of work was fine, but catching your old, stinky middle aged teachers kissing in a 4th grade classroom was something else.
"What are we going to do!?" Draco asked, sounding panicked.

Just then, a knock. Not just one knock, but multiple happy, evil knocks. It brought shivers to Harry's spine.

Draco shakily stood up and answered it, then almost fainted when he saw who was at the door.

The kid.

The kid who took the photo.

" HELLO!!!!!!!" The kid said as he started jumping around. He apparently had ADHD. 
"Delete the photo!!!" Draco said as he was about to make a spell to get rid of the phone.
"LOL NOPE" The kid cheered, grinning wildly.
"YOUR GONNA HAVE TO PAY FOR IT AHA" the kid said laughing like Light Yagami.
"Pay what? Money?" Harry said, hiding behind Draco. This kid was scary. 
"DUHHH 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 AT LEAST!!!!" The kid wiggled in his suspenders. 
,"I don't have that much though brat" Draco said.
"lol ok" Draco said knowing he could just cast a spell to break the phone. 
He tried. He took out his wand, pointed it at the kid and, summoning his breath, yelled, "PHOEBREAKYARMUS!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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