A drunk and haunting forest hike

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Warning! This chapter has mentions of Sex and alcohol in it, if you dont want to read about anything sexual and alcoholic subjects and topics, please skip this page. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Dennis and Winnie p.o.v

"Hey, Winnie. Remember our old tree house we had when we were kids?" Dennis asked. "Yeah. I remember the tree house. We had to rebuild it after Bella came over and tried to kill us." said Winnie. "You wanna go over and see it? We haven't been there since we were young." said Dennis. "Any special occasion?" Winnie asked. "Well, we haven't been there in years, and this might be our first date, so I'm just wondering if we can go out of the hotel. This place stinks when theres nothing to do." said Dennis. "I'm glad you'd said that." said Winnie, then hugged Dennis. "So, will this be our first date then?" asked Dennis. "Errrm. I wanna say yes." said Winnie. "Alright then." said Dennis.

So Dennis and Winnie left their room and started to exit the hotel. "Do you remember the direction?" Winnie asked. "Yeah, that way." Dennis said, then pointed in his right. "Oh yeah, didn't we made a map of the forest?" Winnie asked. "Ah, yes. We did. I have it right here." said Dennis, pulling the map out of his pocket. "You still have it? I thought I lost it years ago." said Winnie. "Yeah, I found it in papa Dracs bathroom. I don't know, or remember, how it got there. I guess Drac found it somehow and took it." said Dennis. "Have you ever asked him about it?" Winnie asked. "No, I haven't." said Dennis. "Ok. Lets go to the treehouse then." said Winnie.

Dennis and Winnie started to walk in the direction of the treehouse. "So, how are the mates of yours? Winnie asked. "They're fine, thanks." said Dennis. "How you met them?" Winnie then asked. "I met them at school." said Dennis. "And how is school?" Winnie asked. "It's fine, thanks. So, anyways. How about you? Hows you friends?" Dennis asked. "They're fine thanks. You might like them if you hang out with us." said Winnie. "Hope so." said Dennis. "We only have all girls though. And one guy, but he's a homosexual. He's cool." said Winnie. "Ah, ok. In my friend group, we have a gay lad. Super chill." said Dennis. "Is he single?" Winnie asked. "He is, actually." said Dennis. "Here's a good idea. Lets get our gay friends together." said Winnie. "But what if they dont Zing? We can let them meet, but...errrm." said Dennis. "But what? It could take some time." said Winnie. "That's true..." said Dennis. "I hope that Jeremy, my gay friend, find love. He tried to look for his Zing at bars and on dating apps, but nothing floats his boat." said Winnie. "My gay friend, Jake, he said he isn't ready for a relationship. Probably we can change his mind." said Dennis. "Well, that is a possibility." said Winnie.

"Look, over there, there it is." said Dennis. "Oh, waw. It hasnt been destroyed yet." said Winnie. "I cleaned it a few weeks ago." said Dennis. "Looks nice." said Winnie. "Alright. Cool. I got food and drinks ready in there. Come on, lets go." said Dennis.

So Dennis and Winnie walked up to the treehouse, hand in paw, and expecting to have a lovely date. But things turned to the worse straight away.

"Hey, whats that smell?" Winnie asked. "It should be a walm apple pie." said Dennis. "Hopefully. Because I can smell something foul." Winnie shivered. "You probably still smell Bella from before." said Dennis. "I hope so, and not the food gone rotten." said Winnie "I got my mom to come over with the food earlier and place it in the fridge my dad had bought for this place." said Dennis. "Has your parents made this better for us?" Winnie asked. "Well, I helped out too, so yes." said Dennis. "Ok. I hope that's not rotten food up there. Or blood. Or Bella." said Winnie. "Same here." Said Dennis.

Dennis and Winnie started to climb up the ladder and saw the inside of the treehouse destroyed and trashed. "Oh, my gosh! What happened?" Dennis screamed at the destruction. "Oh, oh my. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, Dennis. I-I-I..." Winnie stuttered in disbelieved. "I had some food I remembered you liked. Like the pie. Also, I had a turkey stuffed for our date! I can't believe what is in front of me." Dennis moaned. "Well, there must be something that lead to this? Or anything you brought and made for today that you'd left here." Winnie said worryingly. "Just some alcohol to try out." said Dennis. "Is that red wine?" Winnie. "Well, yes. The fancy one just for the dinner. The rest are flavoured rum and vodka." said Dennis. "That explain the red stains." said Winnie. "Red sta-errrm, I don't think thats wine. Looks too thick for the wine I got." said Dennis. "Dennis! Look! It goes into the forest over there!" said Winnie. "Oh. I think these were wild hungry animals, looking for food." said Dennis. "Well, whoever it was, made a mess. If it was made by a wild, rabid animal, they must be looking for food, or trouble. If this was made by one of us monsters, they're either looking for someone to torment and harass, and possibly steal items on us, but I assume they didn't find anyone here to steal. So, I'm guessing the mess is because the perpetrator wanted to find something valuable and also took the food to eat. And probably cut themselves on something." said Winnie. "Ah, Detective Winnie is back, we can see." said Dennis. "Well, I did help you before, I can do it again." Said Winnie, then blushed. "I think it's a good idea to follow the blood into the forest. And lucky me, I got metal baseball bats. And with good adventuring, we need food, water, and first aid." said Dennis. "Well, I think its a stupid idea, because we might die and we dont have food and water on us, remember? Whoever took it got the last of it." moaned Winnie. "Wait. Hold on." Dennis said, then looked in the fridge for something. "Ah, no. Its gone." Dennis mumbled in shock. "What? You had food and water for this occasion as well?" Winnie sarcastically asked. "Well, yes. I did. Every month I resupply for a hike or a fight in this treehouse before it got destroyed again." said Dennis. "Oh, thats smart." said Winnie. "Yep. And now we have no other option to take the beer I got us." said Dennis. "Please dont get me extremely drunk out there though!" Winnie yelled. "Alright, alright." said Dennis. 'She's started to become those Alt Girls from Tik Tok' Dennis thought.

So Dennis and Winnie picked up the bag full of alcohol and the baseball bats and started to follow the blood. "I hate the sights of blood." said Winnie. "I'm fine with it. Papa Drac use this blood substitute to drink. Its basically diet pop for vampires. Sounds confusing, but its normal when you get use to it." said Dennis. "Did you ever drink the diet blood before? Or drank blood from a human?" Winnie asked. "I tried the blood substitute before. Tasted nice but I wasn't a fan of it. And I don't drink human blood. I'm basically a bias anti-blood drinking kid." said Dennis. "So, you never tasted real blood before, then?" Winnie asked. "Nope. I never, I don't know about my mom trying it, papa Drac felt sick and bloated after drinking human blood, and thats before meeting nana. And Vlad stopped after nana died, and thats because he dont want the murderers blood on his teeth." said Dennis. "That's sad." Winnie wheeped. "It kinda does, only the nanas death part. The rest is fine." said Dennis.

1 hour later

"UUURG! Are we there yet?" Winnie moaned. "I don't know. Why? You thirsty? We can drink if you want. Start up camp as its getting dark." said Dennis. "Sure. I'll get firewood, and you can set up something warm." said Winnie. "Ok. See you in 5 minutes." said Dennis.

15 minutes had passed and Winnie hadn't returned with the firewood she promises to return with. "Come on Winnie. I'm cold." Dennis mumbled under his breath. Dennis sat in silence until he heard a twig snap. "Winnie?" Dennis said, standing up from a stump of a tree. Dennis looked around his area to see if it was Winnie, but it was an eerie looking figure standing in the distance. The only feature were the things glowing, white eyes. "Vlad? Papa Drac? Frank?" Dennis said in fear, not knowing to do. The figure disappeared in the shadows. Dennis rubbed his eyes to see if hes going crazy.

"Dennis? Are you ok?" Dennis turned around and saw Winnie standing behind him with some wood. "Ah, Winnie. I was worried about you." Dennis said, hugging her. "I was worried about you too. Hey, look. I got the wood." said Winnie. "Good. I know how to start a fire. I just learnt my new vampire ability with fire. I don't know if anyone else can do this or knows about it. Stand back." said Dennis, trying to put on a brave face. "Ok. You can do this." said Winnie. Dennis tried his power, and it succeeded. "Oh my gosh! It worked." said Dennis. "Congrats Dennis." Winnie said, then kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks." said Dennis.

"So, shall we drink more of the alcohol we got?" Dennis asked. "Yes please." Winnie cheered.

30 minutes later

"H-hey. Remember when Franks hand got stuck in the toilet, and...and...and Wilber thought it was food?" Dennis said in his drunk mind. "Yes. He got sick right after because f-fr-Frank needed a tuuuuuuuuuuurrrrd!" Winnie said, also drunk. Dennis and Winnie laughed most the night away, chatting about funny things.

"You know, Winnie. I'm glad were alone together. Away from the hotel. You know." said Dennis. "Yes, I'm glad we are too." said Winnie. "Well, we known each other since forever, and..." Winnie put her finger on Dennis lips. "Dennis. I love you. And I also want to have sex with you." said Winnie. "Wait. Really?" Dennis said in surprise. Winnie nodded, then took of her clothes and lied down. Dennis blushed on how fit Winnie really is and how nice her breast are. "Come on, handsome. I know you want to." said Winnie. So Dennis took his clothes off and started to have sex with Winnie. And they done it like animals.

Authors note

I did warn you about sex and alcohol; this book is rated M after all.

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