Chapter 3: Hell in the walls

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First of all thanks to my friend Hannah you really helped me with that chapter!

TW: domestic violence, blood

I wake up from a bright light over my head and need a few seconds to regenerate. Then my mind starts to throw around with questions I can't  answer even if I try hard enough. Where am I? What am I doing here? How did I got here? Why am I lying on a hospital bed with infusion tubes in my arm? And the biggest question is who am I? Then I notice that a man is sitting in front of the bed who I quiet remember. "Jasmin Barnes, good that you are awake. Everything worked perfectly fine. You are now the Night Soldier." He says in a relaxed tone. "What does that mean? And where the-"

 I can't say anything further because another man comes in the room and Zola who's name I can actually remember now stands up and walks to the man. "Sooo... we had a few complications with her as you know Zola...". I can't understand everything they are saying because they whisper. I guess because they don't want me to hear what they say but the terrifying sentences where clearly audible. "We have to stop making more Night Soldier serums...". "The serum is too toxic we tried it on others but they all died after five minutes. We just have her and she is the only hope we have...". "Well then thank you for the information i'll try to explain that to Johann Schmidt. Leave me alone now I need a word with her."Zola comes to me smiles in a creepy way and puts slowly a tissue on my mouth and nose. Everything around me spins and goes dark.  

I come to consciousness in a pitch black room, my arms tied behind my back and I'm sitting on a wooden chair. A bright headlight turns on. Then  a scary robot voice out of nowhere speaks. "Do you blame yourself?" Silence. "What?" I ask irritated. "What's quite common in this situation for a patient to feel a kind of...guilt." The robot voice speaks again. "What situation?" I ask. "The accident!" It says. "Wh...what accident? I- I can't remember" I tell the voice. "Your own dad?" A photo appears on the wall of a man I immediately remember. "No... I-." I stutter. "So you remember, or should I help your thoughts?" The voice asks. "August 18 1935." "No" I whisper. "What happened on that day?" "Noo!" I almost cry. "What happened?" It asks again. "Go to hell!" I scream with tears in my eyes. "Than I will tell. Your father died." "It was an accident!" I yell. "Are you sure or is it just what you always tell yourself so no one thinks that you are a murderer? Killed your own dad." The voice says disgusted. My tears are rolling and I scream.

Flashback: "James Buchanan Barnes you are a shame for our family!" My father screams. I can hear him from the kitchen in my room upstairs. Than there was a smash of glass and a smack on skin. I open my door slightly and I see Bucky running up the stairs in my direction. I open the door fully and he runs in the corner and sits down burring his face in his arms. "What have you done this time Buck?" I ask in a sensitive voice. "N-Nothing! He-He came h-home drunk a-and just scr-screamed at me be-because I was the o-only one th-there." "I'm so sorry!" I say and kneel to him on the ground and hug him. Even tho I was younger than Bucky I always protected him. I hear the stairs an immediately know that it was our dad but I couldn't react fast enough and the door bursts open. "Oh I knew you where here James always running to your little sister. What can she do huh? Nothing see." He screams and punches me in the face. I fall on the ground and my nose starts bleeding really hard and blood starts running down my hand. Bucky has a terrified look on his face and wants to run out of my room but Dad stopped him. He can't do much more because he falls on the floor knocked out, our mum in the door with a broom in her hands. "I'm so sorry kids." She says. I said to her that I would forgive dad but my mind was planning something no eight year old girl should have in her mind. Doctors said that he choked in the night which was true but that it wasn't the blood poisoning from the alcohol but me.

Present: "I had to... he was hurting him!" I scream almost looking like I went mad, freeing myself from the rope around my wrists. But before I could do something further a door in the back bursts open and two tall men are running to me and holding me down. "Thank you for the time." I hear the robot voice saying quiet in the back of my head. I closed my eyes just for a moment and open them in a labor again tied up. "Night Soldier we are doing some tests now." Zola is there and talks to me but I just understand a few words. He goes to a cupboard on the other side of the room and comes back with blood drawing utensils. I don't know why he wants to do that now because I'm still not fully conscious. I always had a problem with it when someone took blood from me so I hold my breath when Zola puts the needle in my arm. "Breath girl!" He says annoyed and slaps me in the face. After five minutes Zola took 600ml blood from me and I almost fall unconscious. "Rest now I'll come back in an hour" he says and leaves the labour.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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