Chapter 2. The "better" place

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I feel cold ground beneath me as I wake up. My head hurts and I can't remember anything that happened before everything went dark. I open my eyes and look around me, a dark room more like a cell. I need a bit of time to see a little bit more in the dark. There's a small bed nothing  more. The walls are looking very thick and in front of me is a metal door. Suddenly the door bursts open and two big men are grabbing me by my arms and dragging me up from the ground harshly. After a few stumbles I can walk properly but then I get thrown on a chair in an other room where the men hold me by my shoulders so I can't move.

The door from the room where I got pulled in opens another time and a small man with big glasses came in "Jasmin Barnes... welcome!" he says. "It's Ruby" I say quietly. "What was that?" he asks irritated and looks up from his papers where he noted something I can't read. "I... I don't know... I don't know where I got that name from... it was suddenly in my mind." I tell him shocked. "Well anyways-" he starts "Wait where am I?" I interrupt him. "You my dear, you are at a better place." He stands up and signs the two men behind me to follow him with me.

He goes in the hallway turns right and walks in front of me. "Here you will train" he points at a room with big bulletproof glasses."For what will I train?" I ask him. "First of all you'll just speak when someone ask you to. And second, for your mission." He says. I want to ask him what he means with mission but I don't. He leads me in another room at the end of the hallway but this one is bigger with a desk where many vials in different shapes are standing on. In a corner is some kind like an examination bed. The two men behind me are forcing me on it but I fight back. "That's good" the small man chuckles "you'll need this temperament later." The two men throw me on the bed and secure me.

 Then another door in the room opens and four doctors are coming in who are standing before me like a pack of wolves eying their prey. "A girl?" one doctor asks "Are you serious Arnim?" another one asks. "I hope you know what you are doing Zola women tend to be weak!" the third one says disgusted. My blood starts to boil after his comment about me but before I could say something the small man who I think must be Arnim Zola talks. "Yes my gentlemen I am very serious. We'll see what she is able to do after our little experiments."

 He comes to my right side and I look with a little of fear to him. He holds a vial in one hand and a syringe in the other one. The fourth doctor goes over to my left side and takes the vial with the syringe  out of Zolas hands. In the moment the vial was over me I could read what stands on it The Night Soldier. "What is a Night Soldier?" I ask confused. But Zola just sais " Ah ah ah. What did I told you? Just talk when you're asked to." The doctor on my left grabs my arm and rams the syringe in. In shock I see how my veins in my arm get black and the dark mixture spreads to my shoulder. I lean back and then my eyesight blurs. My whole body starts to shake and it feels like thousands of needles are getting stuck in my skin. I scream in pain and then every sting and other pain in my body stops abruptly for a few seconds and then out of nowhere every pain I felt before comes back just hundreds of times more painful and I fall unconscious.

"Everything works perfectly" I hear quite near me. Then the voices are getting louder. "Now it is time for the next part of our experiment." I hear Zola and open my eyes. I am still in the same room but on a big chair with robot stuff around it. Zola forces a teeth protection in my mouth and the robot stuff around me starts to move to my face and stops right on it. The robot stuff relieves some kind like electricity. I scream through my closed teeth because the pain in my brain is indescribable. I am right before I fall unconscious again but my brain stops me to so I am forced to feel the pain til this machine stops.

Authors note: I hope you liked the chapter. The next chapter will be out a little sooner than last time.Please leave a comment and like the chapter so I can see that you enjoy the story!

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