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Let's just say K-Talk-A-Lot became very popular after the interview with Hwiyoung and Taeyang. The dance ended up spreading across all sorts of social media platforms, but not as much as the fact that the two idols would be acting in a BL Kdrama together

Of course, people were going to be against it; selfish assholes, who couldn't accept people for who they were. 

Putting that aside, SF9's fans went crazy. Their new album had sold out in less than a month thanks to Juho's idea of doing couple photo shoots for the photobook. That fact alone that Hwiyoung and Taeyang had posed together when they would be playing in a BL made fans ecstatic.

The weeks following the interview, Taeyang and Hwiyoung helped each other memorize some of the script. They didn't act out any of the intimate scenes, for they would remember those parts on their own. They both thought that they should save that for when the were actually on set. They didn't want to mess up anything. 

As time passed by, Taeyang realized that acting was a lot harder than it looked. 

When you have no experience acting a lead role, the first time will be super difficult. The actors in SF9 did not tell Taeyang this small fact. Playing as a main in a drama means that every little thing you do has to be right. You can't half-ass it. 

Taeyang's acting skills were improving as quickly as it would take a baby to learn to walk. It shouldn't be that difficult. In music videos, he's had to act, but there was never really more than one emotion.

Hwiyoung, on the other hand, was a very talented actor. This was a given. The elder found himself being envious.

They sat in the back of the classroom waiting for any instructions from the producers and director.  Most of the drama would take place in the school, so that was where they would be spending most of their time for the next couple of months. The students were all happy to participate in the drama as long as they still focused on their studies. Most students would be extras. 

Taeyang sighed. As each day passed, he regretted letting his band-mates convince him to audition, but he still tried to look at the positive of the situation. 

He wasn't really that nervous even though it was the first day of recording. Sure, he wasn't the greatest actor, but he didn't care if he messed up; he had most of the script memorized anyway. He did need to figure out how he would become a different person without bringing his personal feelings into the mix.

"Do you think you're ready?" Hwiyoung asked, his eyes meeting Taeyang's with a curious expression. 

Taeyang held the contact and nodded. "Yeah, I think so." He looked away at one of the producers who had started talking, explaining what kinds of scenes they would be filming first. He stopped listening and turned back to the brunette. "It'll be different acting in front of an actual professional camera. I don't know how I'll be able to get into character. "

"As I've been explaining for a while now, just imagine that you are that character. Forget Yoo Taeyang. Be Lee Kyong, who is cold-hearted and doesn't really like people. He's a homosexual who has a terrible relationship with his family." Hwiyoung ran a hand through his hair that he still had to get styled. "When we're on camera, we are no longer us, we are our roles. Don't let reality distract you."

"For now on," the director spoke into the megaphone, interrupting Hwiyoung, "on set, you will all go by the names of your roles. Taeyang, you are now Kyong, Hwiyoung is Byeongho, Jaejin is Dojin, and so on. This should help get you guys into character faster and more efficiently." Director Choi then went on to direct the actors to the makeup artists. 

"Hwi- I mean, Byeongho!" Jaejin called after moment. His pink hair had been styled to the side with hair gel. He made his way in the Taeyang's and Hwiyoung's direction and said, "Your turn for makeup."

Hwiyoung got up, cast one last glance to the two. Taeyang thought he saw a look of distrust directed at Jaejin in his best friend's eyes. Jaejin gladly took Hwiyoung's spot by Taeyang's side.

After formal greetings, Jaejin and Taeyang easily created conversation. Taeyang discovered that Jaejin was actually two years older than he was, his favorite color was pink, and he was really interested in acting and photography. 

"So, is this your first time acting?" Taeyang asked. 

Jaejin nodded. "Yeah. Sad, right? I've been trying all these years to get a role, and now, at the age of 26, I finally have one, and I'm playing a teenager ten years younger than me. Damn."

"Why are you just getting a role now?"

"My parents don't like the fact that I want to pursue a career in the visual arts industry. They think it's 'stupid, childish, and unproductive'." The elder shook his head with disgust. "I'm also gay, so that doesn't make matters any better."

In all honesty, Taeyang was kind of surprised. He had assumed his new friend was straight. 

"Do you mind if I ask what it's like?" he asked. "To be gay, I mean." He had tried asking the question to Inseong and Jaeyoon, but they were more interested in showing him rather than telling him. 

"Not at all. It's not much different from you. Us in the LGBTQ world are also normal human beings just like everyone else. We just like our same sex, is all." 

"Right, sorry. I hope I didn't offend you. Just, I'm not . . . gay, and I'm playing a role that is, so I'm not sure if I need to act a specific way," Taeyang confessed.

Jaejin shrugged. "Just act like a normal being. Just think of it as liking girls, except you like guys instead. Maybe it'd be better to get advice from a straight actor who's in the same situation as you. Like your friend." 

Jaejin's "Like Your Friend." sounded so neutrally appalling that Taeyang wondered if there was some sort of rivalry between Hwiyoung and Jaejin. 

Actually, now that Taeyang thought about it, Hwiyoung seemed perfectly fine acting like a queer teen. Maybe it was because he was more experienced as an an actor. Maybe it was more than that . . .

"Kyong! Please come get your hair and makeup done! Dojin, get ready for your first scene with Byeongho!" DIrector Choi called out. 

Taeyang smiled at his friend. It was only half-way forced. "Thanks for the advice. Good luck on your scene," he said.  


a/n: i'm still trying to find a face claim for jaejin. if you know of any pink-haired, non-celeb, hot korean guys, hmu. or if you can edit pink hair on a hot korean guy, that would be great too lol

my god, we're at over 600 reads- you guys are amazing :')

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