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Taking advantage of Taeyang's first day off, Jaeyoon took it upon himself to break into the dorm (not literally, of course), wake Taeyang up at five in the morning, and demand he change into all black. He would go along with Jaeyoon's unknown plan without question.

Taeyang didn't complain although he was super tired and wanted to use his first day off to catch up on sleep. He didn't sleep much that night anyway. His dreams kept him tossing and turning all night. He didn't have nightmares. No, he just had a series of dreams that involved Hwiyoung . . . as his boyfriend. So yeah, sleep was not the top thing on his list at the moment.

After Hwiyoung and him got back to the dorms, Taeyang crashed on the couch. Partly, so he could avoid his roommate, the other part, he just didn't have the will to get back up after he hit the cushions.

An hour before Jaeyoon invaded the apartment, he remembered Chani clashing around in the kitchen and then leaving. Taeyang had been too groggy to remember where the maknae was going.

Just like now, he had no idea where he was going. Both him and Jaeyoon were walking to wherever, and Taeyang had no idea where they were heading because they weren't heading in a direction he knew of.

Right now, they were standing inside of a vacant convenience store. It wasn't the typical store they'd usually stop at if they needed food or drinks--it was just a random little store that Jaeyoon decided they'd stop at.

Jaeyoon stood in front of an array of energy drinks trying to decide what flavor he wanted. Taeyang stood to the side. He sighed softly. It was only 5:25 AM, and it was supposed to be his day off. The last thing he thought he'd be doing was tagging along with Jaeyoon to God knows where.

He tipped his head back and closed his eyes. A couple extra minutes of sleep couldn't hurt him. Dreaming didn't happen in only a couple minutes either.

"No sleeping," Jaeyoon scolded. "We are on a mission."

Taeyang's eyes shot open and he stood straight again. Not because of Jaeyoon, but because immediately the kiss from yesterday filled the black void behind his eyelids. He cleared his head as he had been doing all morning. He could only do that when he was completely conscious, apparently.

He blew out a breath and pulled on his mask in annoyance. He could be home and his face could be free. He looked down at Jaeyoon, who was kneeling on the floor. "Are you going to explain what we're doing? It feels like at any moment you're gonna tell me to go rob the cash register."

The person working the register was probably thinking the same thing. When the two walked into the store in their black attire, she had given them a worried look.

Jaeyoon didn't answer his question. Instead, he grabbed one of the drinks and said, "We're spies. We need to keep our eyes open and blend in."

"I think we're doing the exact opposite of blending in," Taeyang said. He knew the girl at the register hadn't taken her eyes off of them since they walked in.

They walked over to the counter to pay for the drink. They both kept their heads down so there wasn't any chance of the girl recognizing them.

"You're not going to rob us . . . are you?" she asked hesitantly.

Taeyang snorted and mumbled a "Told you so." Jaeyoon elbowed him in the ribs.

"Sorry, we're on a mission," Jaeyoon explained. "We don't plan to rob you, so don't worry." He glanced up to flash a quick smile to the girl.

Taeyang glanced up at the girl. She nodded slowly like she didn't really believe them, but had to anyway. Or maybe she just thought they were crazy. Taeyang figured that option two was probably correct.

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