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After Hwiyoung called it a night, Taeyang was going to also. But Juho stopped him outside of the bathroom.

"I assume you know about the whole thing with the drama?" he said.

Taeyang sighed. Everyone in the band knew about it but him. "Yeah. Why?"

"Remember that punishment from the live?" Juho said with a smirk.

Taeyang bit his lip. "Nope. What punishment. Never heard of it."

"Right, well, your punishment is to confess to Hwiyoung during the fansign. But it has to be funny," Juho told him.

"You mean embarrassing to the point where I might regret it for the rest of my life?"

"Yes, exactly!" 

Taeyang went in search of Seokwoo.

The night they watched the ship-videos, after Taeyang handed Seokwoo his phone back, he asked about the older's plan to ask out Chani.

"We have our fansign event coming in about a couple of weeks, so I figured I'd create a video and confess then," Seokwoo had answered. "I haven't sorted out all the details.

"Wow, you're really going all out," Taeyang said.

"It's going to be cheesy AF, but I thought that Chani would like it if he doesn't reject me."

At the end of that conversation, Taeyang thought about doing something big like that for Hwiyoung. but he didn't suggest the idea to Seokwoo.

But now, with Juho's "punishment", Taeyang had to confess during the fan-sign, too. And really, he knew exactly how he was going to make it "funny".

He found Seokwoo alone in the new room he shared with Chani. Seokwoo looked up at the same time Taeyang said, "I need your help."


Cheers erupted throughout the room when they walked in. They bowed and greeted the fans before taking a seat behind the long table set up on the small stage.

Seokwoo spotted their manager across the room talking to one of the camera men, and he jogged over. Taeyang watched them, and after a few nods and exchanges, the older made his way back to the table.

Taeyang made a thumbs-up-thumbs-down motion with a look of question on his face.

Seokwoo leaned over and whispered. "He said we're good to go. Just when we say the word."

Taeyang nodded and blew out a breath. He was nervous. Hwiyoung already knew of his feelings for him, but maybe making it public was too soon.

Then he thought of Rowoon's idea of public and began thinking about which couple would make the biggest news. That is, if anyone outside of the fan-sign finds out. Would it be Rochan or Hwitae? Taeyang almost wanted to make a bet with Seokwoo.

A little boy's voice pulled him for his thoughts. "Here," the kid said. "You can have this." He was holding a big white cowboy hate out in front of him.

Taeyang accepted the hat with a smile. "Thank you," he said. "What's your name?"

The boy's parent answered for him and Taeyang signed the little boy's album. Then the boy said, "I wanted to be a cowboy when I got older, but you're my favorite, so I want you to have my hat."

Taeyang put the hat on his head and his smile grew bigger. "Thank you," he said again. When the boy moved on to the next members, Taeyang felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and Seokwoo leaned over again and whispered, "You can go first."

A few more signed albums later, Taeyang stood up and took the microphone offered by one of the other members. He cleared his throat to get people's attention. "I wanted to ask you guys to put away your phones and refrain from recording for the next few minutes," he started. he didn't talk again until he didn't see a phone in sight. This was likely to spread everywhere when the fan-sign was over, but he got permission from the company, so he was doing it.

"You guys all know of the scandal by now, but whatever rumors you've heard, they aren't true. I am not in a relationship with Jung Jaejin, and will not be any time in the future. My heart already belongs to someone else."

He made eye-contact with his manager and then turned to his left to face Hwiyoung. Music started in the background. Hwiyoung's eyes widened as he realized what was going on. Taeyang grinned and started singing the song him and Seokwoo had thrown together during the past few days. The audience was silent for the most part except for the laughter and the slow rhythmic clapping they started to add effect.

After the serenade ended, Taeyang bit this lip and held out a hand. "Will you be my boyfriend?" he asked.

Hwiyoung slowly lifted his face from his hands, his cheeks were a bright red. Taeyang laughed a little at the sight. It wasn't often he got to see Hwiyoung embarrassed by something he did. Hwiyoung reached for Taeyang's hand and took it. He pushed himself up, so he stood beside Taeyang and smiled. "Yes," he said.

"Kiss!" someone who sounded suspiciously like Dawon said. A chant of "Kiss, kiss, kiss . . ." ensued.

Taeyang pulled the hat from his head and held it in front of their heads Both him and Seokwoo were given specific instructions not to kiss anyone during the fan-sign, but they couldn't get mad if Fantasy didn't technically witness a kiss. Thankfully, the hat was big enough to hide what Taeyang wanted it to.

Taeyang went in for a kiss only to be rejected. Hwiyoung kissed his cheek instead and pulled away. Taeyang lowered the hat and mockingly glared at Hwiyoung as they sat down. "I'll get you for that later," he threatened.

"I'm counting on it," Hwiyoung said.

Seokwoo took the microphone from Taeyang and stood up. It was his turn to confess. Right as Seokwoo went into his reasons for his feelings, reality hit Taeyang. He'd just serenaded Hwiyoung with a song of pick-up lines. Pick-up lines, of all things to write a song on. He groaned and hid his face in Hwayoung's shoulder.

Hwiyoung laughed and threw an arm around the older. Then as if he knew exactly what was wrong, he said, "Hey, I can call you the King of Pick-up Lines now."

Taeyang groaned again.


a/n: this chapter is just to officiate their relationship lol. 

last chapter is being released next week 🤠

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