This is communion 2

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I sat over the balcony after the performance I left the floor found a stairs and just sat out on this balcony

Maria: there you are

She came over

Maria: everyone's looking for you that was amazing
Giselle: thanks
Maria: what's wrong?

She sat beside me

Giselle: nothing really
Maria: come on I can tell when something's wrong gigi

I sigh

Giselle: honestly I don't know what's going on with me mar

I continue to stare down the balcony I really high dropped

Maria: gigi you know I don't judge you can tell me anything

I stare back at her

Giselle: fine I like your brother like a lot and I don't know what's going on I felt something when we were singing on that stage and I don't know if he felt it too ugh I'm so stupid

I stood up

Maria: gigi

I pace back and forth

Giselle: ofcourse he wouldn't feel anything because he doesn't like me Kacy's right about me ugh

Maria stood up and stand in the front of me causing me to stop in my tracks

Maria: STOP IT! stop doubting yourself because of what Kacy said okay you're beautiful, smart, wonderfully, fearfully made in the likeness and image of God

I mean it did calm me down

Maria: and if my brother doesn't realize that forget about him ok

I nod

Maria: you wanna go back in now?
Giselle: nah I'll stay out here for couple more minutes I'll meet you guys in a minute
Maria: okay

She hugged me soon left

Kacy: that dress would look better on me gigi

She glare I roll my eyes

Kacy: but my dress already has Josh wrapped around my fingers

She smile as she came closer

Giselle: whatever
Kacy: you know we were just dancing a minute ago
Giselle: your telling me this why?
Kacy: because we all know you're trying to get with him all of this

She points

Kacy: you're doing it for attention we all know who you truly are you hang with those filthy skaters at the back your boyfriend's a druggie and your girl friends are prostitutes

She made my blood boil I pushed her she fell

Giselle: I'm so sorry
Josh: kacy

I look up to see Josh, Chase, and Mason looking in shock

Kacy: I came out here to apologies to you

She made it look like she was about to cry wow oscar award goes to Kacy josh ran over to her and helped her up

Josh: are you okay?
Kacy: now that you're here I'm fine

I rolled my eyes how cringe can she be

Chase: what happened here
Kacy: I try calling truce with gigi but she attacked me can't you see
Giselle: get over yourself Kacy you were harassing me
Chase: why don't we help you back inside

Him and mason help kacy inside

Giselle: great now you believe her

I rolled my eyes

Josh: gigi I-
Giselle: you don't have to believe me you can go believe whatever you want I don't care
Josh: gigi
Giselle: what?
Josh: I believe you
Giselle: wait what?
Josh: I said I believe you
Giselle: why?
Josh: she's been giving you a hard time at camp but you shouldn't let her get to you that easily
Giselle: I know I regret touching her

I sigh

Josh: so you've been missing in action
Giselle: oh you notice
Josh: ofcourse I did we all did

He chuckled

Josh: so um mar told me what you said um earlier

I had a feeling she did I out my head down

Josh: you're right I did feel something on that stage I'm not pretty good at expressing my feelings towards any girl   I mean I've never done anything like that before

He chuckled

Josh: this summer was amazing with you I like hanging out with you like a lot helping you get closer to God it excites me to see that you want to learn more about him

He smile

Josh: I like you gigi alot and I have never said this to any girl ever I mean I hardly focus on girls at all but I was really intrigued by you I wanted to get to know everything about you

Was my ears deceiving me

Giselle: what?
Josh: you heard me I like you alot

The butterflies in my stomach were doing triple somersaults he give me a hug i hug back soon we could hear music from the balcony

Josh: may i have this dance ma lady
Giselle: yes you may good sir

I smile as i took his hands and we waltz around the balcony

Giselle: remind me not to tell Mar anything else ever again

We both chuckled

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