Dress shopping

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I've been practicing with Josh for that past couple of weeks yep I finally agreed to duet with josh not gonna lie it wasn't actually bad

Josh: you wanna go one more time or
Giselle: actually I have to go meet with mar

I smile

Josh: okay well I'll see you later
Giselle: yeah sure

I left the Auditorium

Mrs Reese: yeah I know baptism is coming up sooner than I thought

She walked in the kitchen

Giselle: what's baptism mar

We sat by the counter on stolls in The lake house she turned to me

Maria: Baptism is an act of obedience for the believer. It should be preceded by repentance, which means "change." It is turning from our sin and selfishness to serve the Lord. Being baptized is a symbol of our commitment to God. It means placing our pride, our past and all of our possessions before the Lord.

She smile

Giselle: did you get baptized?
Maria: I most certainly did
Giselle: what was the experience like?
Maria: it was an amazing experience I choose to live for Jesus and follow Him the moment I got in the water I felt led to Publicly announce my faith in Jesus

She looked so excited talking about it

Maria: and when I got up from out of the water I felt purified and I felt the loved
Giselle: wow that's amazing

Soon Mrs Reese came back

Maria: ou mom show gigi my baptism video
Mrs Reese: sure

She looked for the video on her phone soon turned it to me she wore all white

Giselle: why are you wearing all white?
Mrs Reese: white symbolizes the purity and the innocence of a newborn baby. It is worn to honor the Holy Spirit and God.
Giselle: ohhhh

I watch as she was baptized after she got up she looked so happy

Mrs Reese: are you thinking of getting baptized?
Giselle: I was just asking
Mrs Reese: oh okay well we go shopping for gowns downtown on Friday
Maria: Yessss

The ball is fastly approaching and so is the end of summer

Mrs Reese: you can tag along with me or you can go with the other youth leaders
Maria: definitely coming with you
Mrs Reese: and oh gigi your mom sent money so you can get a gown of your type nothing inappropriate

I smile

Friday had come so fast I got dressed in

Friday had come so fast I got dressed in

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Soon I put my hair in a ponytail

Maria: come on my mom's already in the jeep

Me, Desiree, and Deborah followed maria out of the cabin to the front of camp parked was a black jeep wrangler 4xe

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