Shu's P.O.V [CH 1]

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I was strolling along in the park, looking for anything to do, or anything surprising to happen.

Until I heard...

"Rip!" a girl's voice bellowed



"Go shoot!"

I turned to the direction of the audible yell.

A girl with blue-lavender hair, working so hard, was panting. I suppose she was practicing her ripping stances.

She grabbed her bey— looking intently at it. She was probably having a conversation.

Finally! An opponent! I thought.

I walked into the gazebo, but she was still glaring at her bey.

I squinted closer at it...


Is that...

Rage Longinus?

I shook my head... No matter now.

"Looks like you need help..." I spoke behind her.

She jumped at the sound of my voice and whirled around.

It seemed her eyes were covered by her bangs.

Blue hair... I thought,

"Wh—wh" she tried to form words.

"Why are you stammering? Let's battle!" I cutted off, presenting my World Spriggan.

"I—I'm using Rage Longinus!" She showed her bey.

In unison, we both click in our beys into the rippers.




"Go, shoot!"

She could pose a threat... So it's time to end this. 

"World... Slash!" I yelled.

Her Rage flew up in the air and burst.

"H-h-how?" She backed away, and tripped.

Obviously, this timid girl was lacking her sense of awareness, so she tripped over the beyblade arena.

Luckily, with my fast reflexes, I caught her in the nick of time.

Her beautiful sea-blue and purple heterochromatic eyes were staring focused at me.

"You okay?" I asked her, "my name is Shu Kurenai."

She was breathing slightly in and out so fast.

Then her face became pink.

That was absolutely cute of her. 

I paused.

Why does she look like... I thought—

Then it clicked.

Lui Shirosagi...?

"Sh-Sh-Shu K-Kurenai? Oh— m-m-my name is Sakura— Sakura I-Inazuma."

Oh, different last name. I thought

Couldn't be a sister...

But why do they look so—alike?

"Nice to meet you, Sakura," I laughed, "by the way, nice eyes."
She got to her feet with fast precision.

"You can't see my eyes," she said, brushing her bangs down a little too rapidly, "I don't like them!"

Even when she's flustered, it's so adorable!

I covered my chuckles with coughs.

"You should meet me here tomorrow, at eleven o' clock in the morning." I told her

"Ok, th-that sounds great!" Sakura stammered.

Haha, cutie. I thought in my head, then shoved it out of my mind.

What was that?

Am I— falling in love?


"Nice meeting you, Sakura." I waved at her, leaving to go to my home.

And that day, was an eventful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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