Chapter 2: Popcorn

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Everyone sits in silence as the teacher starts the lesson. They all sit quietly and do their work.

Marinette POV:
Ugh! I'm so bored... hmm... what's Tikki up to? I'll just peak into my purse...

"MARINETTE," the teacher yells at me, "CELLPHONES AWAY"

I've never seen Ms. Bustier this mad. Something's off.

Adrien POV:
Wow... Ms. Bustier just... yelled... at Marinette. Something's off... I'll ask Plagg.

*Raise Hand*

"Yes, Mr. Agreste?" she asks me.

"Could I go to the bathroom?" I ask.

"Sure," she responds.

Huh... easy enough. I run to the bathroom and lock the stall door behind me.

"Plagg, what do you think is going on here?" I ask him.

"Oh I dunno," he responds sleepishly, "Adrien, I was taking a nap"

"No time Plagg. I must investigate. I'll patrol for a few saying I tripped and hurt my leg on the way to the bathroom," I tell Plagg.

"Oh great, just great," he responds, ywaning.

Cheerfully, I say, "Plagg, CLAWS OUT!"

Chat Noir out patrolling and Marinette is in class, nothing new happens. Adrien returns to class normally and gets away with his excuse.

"All right class, that's it for today," says Ms. Bustier, "I know, it's only been a few hours... but I need everyone to head home early."

The class confused, they all head home. That is, except for Ladybug ans Chat Noir.

*15 minutes later at the Louvre*
"M'lady," Chat Noir bows.

"Hey, Kitty," Ladybug sighs.

"Everything alright, Bugaboo?" says Chat Noir, taking a seat next to Ladybug.

"This isn't right," she sighs.

"I know," he sighs.

"It's hurting my brain," Ladybug says, clenching her fist against her head, as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"Hey, hey!" Chat rushes over and puts his arm around her, "It'll be fine. C'mon, what about that movie?"

Sniffling, Ladybug nods and smiles.

Chat looks happily surprised, "Really?! Let's go!"

He grabs her hand and pulls her along with him.

Ladybug thinks to herself, "Haha, reminds me of Adrien."

Chat Noir hums happily and orders two movie tickets. They, then, temporarily seperate to detransform and feed their kwamis before they head back.

"Plagg, can you believe this?!" Adrien squeals happily, "M'lady is going to go to the movies with me! Finally!"

"Yeah yeah, cool," Plagg yawns. "A dream come true."

"Thanks for the enthusiasm, Plagg," sighs Adrien happily, thinking of Ladybug.


"TIKKI!" Marinette screeches, "WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS?!"

"You were distressed Marinette! Besides, it'll be nice to watch a movie with your partner!"

"Yeah," Marinette giggles, "And 'friendly partnership', don't forget!"


They sit down in their movie chairs with popcorn and treats, all thanks to Chat Noir. They sit and watch a good half an hour of the movie. Then, Ladybug's earring beeps.

"Be right back, Kitty!" she exclaimes, making a run for it.

"Gotcha, Bugaboo!" Chat winks.

As Marinette behind the Cinema, she whispers, "Spots Off!"

"Hungry," groans Tikki.

"Oh, Tikki!" Marinette rushes to catch her before she falls, "Macaroon just for you!"

Tikki smiles, "Thank you!"

After she is finished, she heada back into the movie theatre. A while later, Chat Noir does the same and then they finish the movie.

"Ahh yes! I love streching after a movie!" Ladybug smiles.

"Love your streching, M'lady," Chat flirts, "Makes you look strong and fierce."

Chat Noir then procceds to make funny rawring noises until they finally seperate and head back to their houses.

Marinette POV:
That wasn't so bad! Time to take a nap!

"I'm going to take a nap Tikki," I yawn.

"Alright, Mari!" she yawns, "Good idea."

I giggle, "Alright, goodnight, Tikki."

She responds, "Goodnight, Marinette."

Adrien POV:
"Plagg, that was amazing!" I sigh. "I'm going to nap."

"Alright, Adrien," Plagg yawns, "I'll be re-ordering my camembert."

"Nope, you're coming right here," I say, grabbing Plagg and placing him on the pillow beside me.

Plagg procceds as follows, "I *yawn* must *yawn* re-order *falls asleep* cheese..."

"It has now been 26 days," Marinette hears from somewhere.

"Marinette, wake up... wake up!" screams Alya into Marinette's ear.

"AHHHH!" Marinette jumps. "Where... where am I?

"School, Mari," Alya looks worried, "You good girl?"

"I- *yawns* feel sleepy", Marinette says.

Then, Marinette collapses, unconcious.

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