The Night He Left

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It was around 3 in the morning.

You are awaken from your slumber by a bad dream and get up to get a glass of water. You didn't want to wake up anyone from their slumber so you quietly leave your room. You reach for the door handle and sneakily open and shut it as it creaks. Looking around to check that no one was near, you notice that Ichiro's door is slightly open.

This was strange because he never leaves his door open when he sleeps.

Thinking he just forgot to close it, you tip toe to his door and slightly push it open; sticking your head inside.

He's not there.

What is there, is a backpack that appears to be overstuffed by his bed.


You just shrug, assuming he's walking around as he does sometimes, and creep down the stairs to the kitchen. You get yourself a glass from the cupboard, with some clincking from the glasses, and try to quietly turn on the sink to pour yourself a glass.

Key word: try.

The sink is so freaking loud.

But fortunately, no one wakes up. You finish your water and place it in the sink. You then shuffle to what you thought was your room, but instead end up by the front entrance to the house.

Hey, you were half asleep.

There you see Ichiro with the backpack that was in his room slung over his shoulder.


He swivels his head around to face you. His eyes are wide and his eyebrows and shoulders were shot up. As soon as he recognizes you, he visibly relaxes and places his hand over his heart.

"Geez, (y/n). Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry. But what are you  doing?"

"Oh-um...I'm just uh..." he stutters, his eyes wandering and his hand rubbing the nape of his neck.

He sighs and looks at you. "Look, you can't tell anyone. Okay?"

"Okay!" you reply, eager to know what's got him so nervous.

He closes his eyes and smiles at you, "I'm gonna sneak out and meet some of my friends."

"Huh. If that's all, why are you so anxious? I know you've snuck out before."

He looks at the ground, refusing to meet your eyes, "I know. I'm just jumpy for no reason."

He still isn't looking at you. "Okay, whatever. I'm gonna go to sleep. Make sure not to stay out too late. Come back before 5."

"Sometimes it feels like you're the older sibling," he says with a light chuckle; turning his back to you.

"That's because you're like a five year old mentally."


"But I meant what I said. Come back before 5. You know that's when the house starts to wake up."

"Of course..."

With that he leaves and you could have sworn you heard him say something under his breath.

Too tired to think about it more, you walk upstairs and trudge to your bed and collapse.

The next morning, you wake up to a ruckus outside your room. Correction, outside your brother's room.

What the heck. Why is it so loud? Can't a girl get some sleep around here?

You try to block out the noise but eventually give up when it doesn't work and slowly sit up. You wait about 3 minutes until you are fully awake, but alas you sit there in a sleepy half-conscious state.

When you finally regained full consciousness, you get up and drag yourself to the door; swinging it open with more force than you meant to. It slams against the wall, leaving a dent. Everyone shuts up and looks at you with shock.


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