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When you wake up the next day, Sato is knocking, very loudly, on your bedroom door.

You sluggishly get out of bed and open it. "What?" you ask in a raspy voice.

"Please get dressed, young master (l/n). We need to leave in an hour."

Hold up, IN AN HOUR!?!

"Well then why are you just waking me up!"

"Tsuyoshi came by earlier in an attempt to get you up but you were in a deep sleep."

You sigh and rub your temples before closing the door in Sato's face (sorry) and trudging over to the bathroom. You take a quick shower and brush your teeth before (attempting) to brush your hair and style it. Then you pack up the few remaining things you need before throwing on a hoodie and a random pair of jeans.

You drag your stuff downstairs and out the door to the car where Sato and Tsukuyomi are waiting for you. You load all the luggage into the car before driving off to our next location: Hyogo. You get there after a long, awkward drive filled with no talking and arrive at yet another temporary house that your father has provided.

You know, I'm getting tired of having to move every week.

You unload your stuff and (once again) move into the house. You pick a bedroom and after you mostly finish unpacking, Sato drives you to your next job. You figure you should start actually learning something so that you can get better, but there's also the possibility that Father or Sato might find out that you haven't been working. You get there and find out the mentor is actually pretty nice. You just call her sensei because you forgot her name.

Sorry not really sorry.  ¯\_()_/¯

She is actually really helpful and teached you a lot of things about lighting, angles, focus, etc.

After almost a full week of working, Thursday comes around and you see that your sensei isn't around. You go up to one of the crew members and they tell you she's out sick and someone else will be taking over the shoot today. You don't really feel like dealing with new people, so once the shoot starts, you sneak out and do what you always do: wander around.

You go to a local park, then a cafe, and just wander around. At around 4 pm, you go to a convenience store to get some food and after you buy some onigiri, you go to another park to eat and enjoy some scenery. You finish one out of 3 onigiris that you bought before you hear yelling. And not just any kind of yelling, the really loud kind that would spoil anyone's mood. You listen more closely and realize that it's a kid's yelling.

Nothing like a bratty little kid's screaming to go with a nice relaxing lunch at the park.

You decide to follow the screams to find the source of the noise. You end up at a playground where two boys are physically fighting each other and yelling insults. They look to be around your age, and as you look more closely, you can see that they look identical.

Twins, huh?

You walk over there and place your onigiri on the floor (in the bag), grabbing both of them by their shirts, pulling them apart, and dropping them in opposite directions from each other. They look really confused as they hit the ground and at the same time, they sit up and look at you.

"Hey, could you like, stop yelling. I was trying to enjoy some food but your bratty screaming spoiled my mood."

With that you pick up your onigiri, take the last two out of the bag and hand one over to each twin. They complacently take the food, still staring at you in bewilderment.

"Now take the food, make up, and stop fighting."

You walk away grumbling as they stare after you.

"Hey, Samu. What just happened?"

"No freaking idea. But at least we got food."

Darn kids. Spoiling my mood like that. If they wanted to fight they could have gone home and done that.

You call a cab to take you back to the shoot and chill there until Sato comes to pick you up.

Hello, Dear Readers!

I hope you enjoyed this cute little chapter.

I wasn't planning on adding this part so I had to write most of it from scratch. I wanted to include a small interaction with the Miya twins before the next chapter to make it funnier.

For those of you that didn't know, Onigiri is a rice ball with filling inside. Even though they are called rice balls, onigiri is not always shaped into balls and can come with a variety of filling. Onigiri is widely known and eaten around Japan as a side dish, or a main meal and can be sold in convenience stores or made at home.

Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter because it will be filled with fun and I hope you're all enjoying the story so far!

I wish you the best, Reader-chan!

Brought to you by: your dear Author-chan! 🥳

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