Chapter 21

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The credits start playing as the 5th star wars movie of the series comes to an end. I look to the wall to the clock and see that it's 1am. I usually stay up this late anyway by reading a good book and getting so into the story line that time passes at light speed. But tonight I'm not reading a book. I'm here, in the lounge of the compound, sitting on the curved sofa with my crush sound asleep in my arms. I blush looking down at him, his head in my lap and his legs curved up to his chest. Tony had brought us a blanket a few hours ago but there was no use of it as Peter kept kicking it off him in his sleep. His lips are curved into a small smile and his doefull eyes shut as he snores quietly, I would hardly call it snoring with how quiet it is.

I rub my hand through his messy, curly, hair. It's soft and fluffy like I figured it would be. I twirl a few strands around my fingers for a minute, hopeful that he doesn't wake up. I then lift him up in my arms and stand up of the couch. He shifts a little but some how manages to stay asleep.

I walk us to the elevator that's just a few feet from the couch and I have the lift take us a floor up to where his room is. It's a quick but quiet ride up. The elevator dings and a second after the door slides open; revealing the long hallway of living quarters. Peter's is the 5th door down on the left, mine the 7th on the right. I step out into the dimly lit hallway and walk toward Peter's bedroom. After about a minute I get to the entrance of the spider's room, I hesitate to open the door feeling as if it's an invasion of privacy, but then turn the knob; being careful not to drop or wake the sleeping arachnid in my arms.

The door opens and reveals the dark room. All the lights are off and the curtains are shut so I can hardly see. I hope the floors are clean so I don't trip, I tiptoe around, being cautious of anything that could trip me as I walk. I try to guess where the bed is but that's really when I realize that I didn't think this through. Shit-

I give in and decide to have FRIDAY turn on the lights. "Friday could I get some god damn light in here?" I ask of her but I whisper and hope she can hear me.

"Do you want them on the dimmed setting?" She asks and I had no idea there even was a dimmed setting.

"Yes please, 20%" I answer and a moment after the room is vaguely lit and I can see the bed in the middle of the back wall. I realize the largeness of the room. It's 3 times the size of mine, and I thought Thor's room was the biggest of the compound-

I shake it off and walk over to Peter's bed where I place him down and he sleepily moves over and rolls up his legs so they're positioned the way they were on the couch. He then puts his right hand underneath his pillow and his left hand to the side. I smile a little and then walk back to the doorway. "Friday you can turn the lights off now." I say to the computer.

Then again, after a moment the command is executed. I walk out of the room, closing the door behind me, and walk across the hall to my own room. It's a lot smaller than Peter's but I like it that way. I like having a smaller room it makes it more cozy, in my opinion anyway.

Hey guys! Sorry this is so sort, it's kind of just a fuller chapter because I felt like writing something and then this idea came to mind so I wrote it (as short as it is). But none the less I hope you enjoyed!

...I have no idea when the next update will be out but hopefully not too long from now!

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