Chapter 33

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Thank you @marvel__writer for the idea for this part!


Peter - April 4th 2017

I stand in front of the STARK industries tower doors with a blank expression. I don't want to go in but I don't want to leave either. It's been a week since Dad gave me the letter and the application, it's taken me that long to just fill out the application. I hear a portal open behind me and roll my eyes before I turn around. "Hi Loki."

"Welcome back to the tower, Peter." She's in her feminine form but with shorter hair than before the right part of it has braids that wrap around to the back.

I look to the ground, "I don't even know why I'm back here, it's not going to change anything."

She puts her fingers on the tip of my chin and lifts my face to see her eyes. "Because you miss your family Peter, no matter how much they've hurt you, they're still family." She cups my face with both her hands, "I've missed you, all of us miss you."

I put my hands on her arms and move away. "I can't come back to live here Loki, even if I wanted to, I don't want to get hurt again."

She grabs my hand, "I can't promise a life without pain, there's pain in everything. You can't tell me that living on your own on the streets isn't killing you inside. I just think that coming home to work things out with your dads is the best option. You can't survive on your own out there forever."

I know she's right, I know that living on my own is only hurting me more than living with my family. even though Dad and Pops hurt me, I still have Wanda, Pietro, Bucky, and Nat. I still have the whole team as my family and letting them go is killing me.

"Let me just turn in this application and then we can go see the team, alright?" I tell her.

Her face lights up with excitement and we both walk inside through the spinning doors that gave me so much joy when I was little. I remember when I was little I was so excited to come in here and see Dad work. I loved seeing all the science and learning something people my age were years away from knowing. Dad always enjoyed having me at the lab with him. He loved seeing me smile when I learned something new or looked at his work with awe. When he became Iron Man I sat in his lab and learned all about his suits, I learned how they worked, what powered them, ect. He always told me "Maybe one day, sweetheart, you'll build a suit of your own."

Tears start swelling in my eyes as we approach the front desk and the memories overflow my mind. Loki quickly catches on and grabs my hand in comfort, "Are you okay?" she asks.

I nod without saying anything and then we're greeted by Gwen at the desk.

"Oh hi Peter, it's nice to see you around here again. Where have you been the last few months?" I bet she's curious and confused as to why I'm at the front desk and not just heading up to the quarters right away.

"I've been around, just not here. It's a long story, I don't want to get into it." I answer. I take my backpack off my shoulders and hold it to my chest to pull out the application, "I came to drop this off, be sure my dad gets it." I say hesitantly and set the folder with the application in it on the desk.

Gwen looks down at the folder and takes it into her hand and sets it back down on her side of the desk. "I can't be your delivery girl for your dad Peter, whatever you two-"

I interrupt, "It's not that. This is a job application. It's only fair that I turn it in like every other employee. I shouldn't get special treatment just because he's my dad."

Loki squeezes my hand tighter in comfort, she can tell that I'm still teary eyed. I don't know why I'm so upset, I've been here a million times, I lived here at one point, but yet it pains me to be in this building right now.

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