my t-shirt

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sebastians POV

as my watch alarm woke me up, i rubbed my eyes in effort to ease the grogginess. i turn to my side to see an opened mouth, sleeping women snoring softly. i smile softly remembering why i had switched from my normal alarm to my silent watch alarm so i didn't wake her you, plus i got to see your creative sleeping positions every morning. this morning was really no different, you normally snored a bit while you slept with your hair spewed all over the pillow.

i quietly pulled the covers off and slipped on a sweatshirt to go with my sweatpants. i closed the bedroom door as i pecked at you once more. then i made a quick cup of tea and opened my computer to attack the emails sent to ambush me this morning.

a few hours later, your night owl ass finally made it out of bed. yawning, you made your way to the coffee machine to pour a cup of tea.

only after taking a second to admire your half conscious state did i then realize what you were wearing. you had on one of my band t-shirts with pajama shorts. you also had stolen some of my graphic socks and had them pulled up past your ankles. i thought you look rather cute.

the more i looked at you the more i realized how much in love i was with you. the way you wore my clothes, the way you looked wrecked in the morning. the way the world lit up when you smiled, the melody to my ears brought by your laughter. god i love you more than words could describe.

i walked up from my computer and wrapped you in a kiss like it was our first kiss. i then rested my chin on your shoulder, breathing in your shampoo.

you chuckled softly at the sudden and passionate action.

"are you ok dorkity?" you asked, a smile tugging at your lips.

"i love you," was all i replied.

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