Sleeping Beauty~Ch.2

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I climbed downstairs ready to get my last day of Senior high out, to replace it with my SUMMER VACATION. I went straight toward the kitchen seeing my grandma preparing a lunch bag for me too take to school. I loved her cooking, because the school cafeteria always and I mean ALWAYS gives out greasy Pizza or junk food, but Grandma gives me lasagna which is my favorite food of all other food. She also makes chocolate cake  with a cherry on top for dessert. I just love her so much. I walked in meeting my grandma's gaze as she hands me my lunch bag.

"Thanks." I kissed her cheek as she hugged me,

"Anything for you." She released me, and stared at me more then usual today,

"Is there something wrong?"

"John kept calling last night." Gosh my life is diffidently over now, you see my grandma is full with life and love. She thought that John would be the one. Obliviously not. He cheated on me with my best friend. MY BEST FRIEND!  Sure I forgave him, only because grandma always told me too forgive someone if there are either deeply in love with someone else, but I just couldn't, not even if I almost felt something for John. Like almost Love? But he tore it away by having sex with Sara. It broke my heart, and I told them to leave me alone all Summer. Sara was kind of surprised because she always knew how I acted on a breakup, but not this time. She was my friend; I trusted her with all my heart. I looked at my sweet grandmother while she examined me up and down.

"He broke up with me."

"What?" Grandma half gasped, "When?"

"Well two weeks ago."

"But he's calling you? He must want you back?"

"No, it's not that."

"Then what is?" My grandma was making this difficult then it needed it to be.

"He cheated on me with my best friend Sara." I said letting it all out before John eventually comes to my house and explains it too her. Well not the sex part or cheating.

"Rachel, am so sorry." 

"I know, but I have to go to school."

"Oh yes, but I made you your favorite food for the last day of school." She smiled, but a warm smile. I returned the smile back.

"I'll see you after school." I said

"No, you don't. If you want to go somewhere  its perfectly fine with me."

"But I don't want you to stay at home by yourself."

"AM fine, trust me. Your grandpa will be here later."

"Okay. Love you." I kissed her cheek

"Love you more." My heart ached when she said those three words, just like my father did.

I walked out seeing my BMW car resting in the parkway. I went inside starting the car while I dump my bag in the passenger side and I drove straight to school.



"Good Morning Class," Mr.Brown said while he stood up from his class, "As you know Today is the last day of school."

Everyone whistled and cheered, "Okay calm down, today you are to write a paper on what you are going to do this summer." The class whined,

"Its just a paragraph, and its the last grade on English."

I took out a white piece of paper from my bag feeling something hit my head. I turned and saw a note that said my name on it from Tyson. I didn't bother to open it up. Making it seem that I hardly saw it at all. I looked at the piece of paper, thinking on what to write for like a few hours or less.

"Psst--" I ignored the sound that could possibly be  Tyson trying to ask me out once again. Now that he knows am out in the market again, "PSST Rachel!" Tyson said loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"Mr. Bates, If you have something to say, please say it to the rest of the class." As always Tyson was never afraid to say what he thought. And that is what I was afraid of, "I was just going to ask Rachel if she wanted to go out with me." Tyson said making my face go completely scarlet. Everyone in the whole class Ohhhhed and awed.  They all stayed quiet waiting for my response.And the truth was I had none. 

"Tyson please sit down and everyone get to work." I sighed in relief as the bell rang making everyone jump out of there seats and some just stared at me,

I packed my bag and raced out the door meeting John and Sara holding hands which disgusted me, they meet my eyes and they quickly released there hold on each other. I sighed and took a deep breath as my Grandma always says.

"You guys, am okay if you guys go out. Its not  my concern any more." I let a small smile get through me,

"Look Rachel, I didn't mean this to happen. I love you and we've been friends like since pre-school. I just wasn't thinking." Sara said while trying to hold in a cry,

John stood still watching as Sara had to talk this over, its like they had this all planed in the first place. Which irritated me the most, "What about you?" I half shouted half whispered, while meeting john in the eye. I know I interrupted Sara sobbed story, but he was pissing me off.

"Am sorry." That's it? For so many calls and desperate emails; that's all he had to say? I was ready to beat the crap out of him, but instead of rising my fist up in the air. A tear escaped from my eyes. I couldn't bear to listen to there fake story. That they felt sorry for me, what a bunch of crap. I ran away from them making my way toward the girls bathroom. I didn't care if this was the worst last day of school. I was just glad that am not ever going to see them again. I quickly checked the mirror and re-did my make up and made my way toward the office.

"May I help you?" A middle aged women said while she looked at the computer screen and then back to me,

"Am feeling sick." She looked at me, checking that if I was telling the truth,  "You may go into the nurse's office."

"Thank you." She nodded her head and I walked into the room that had a sign on the top of the door that read, "Nurse's Office,"   I saw a women around her twenty's and she smiled bright at me while I sat down and explained that I wasn't felling well,

"Well you don't look so good. " She said while resting her hand on my forehead. I faked a cough trying to prove that I was sick, well sick of LOVE.

"Well here you go." She said while ripping out a piece of paper and handing it to me, "Give this to Mrs. Flower in the main entrance, tell her that you are free to be dismissed." I thanked her and made my way handing the sheet of paper to the lady, she smiled weakly at me and let me through. I made my way to my car and got out of the school's property. I just wanted myself out of there, and I knew ex actually were to go. I was going to pay a little visit to my father.


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