Sleeping Beauty~Ch.8

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Rachel PROV:

I found myself in a dark forest with curved trees and owls peaking from every corner of them. I jumped as one flew past my head. The first thought that occurred into my mind was: Were was I? I walked threw a tonal that lead into a lighter forest, but not so much creepy then the one I was just at. I saw birds fly past me, rabbits jump past me, and bugs crawl by. I didn't know where too go? I kept walking in tell I saw a short stubby man that came across his 39's. I gave a quick sigh of relief and ran to him,

"Excuses me, but can you tell me the direction to where Hollow Town is?"

"Hollow town? Who would name a place Hollow?" He chuckled under his rather long beard.

"I'm sorry sir, but if I may ask...


"Where am I?"

"Well your in the Kingdom of Mordrivale."

"Mordrivale? This has to be a joke?" I looked around seeing a little cabin, "Is this where you live?"

"No, the three witches do, but I warn you my lady...---- he motioned me to get closer--- There evil." his beard tickled my ear, I looked at the cabin and walked toward it,

"My lady! Please do will regret it."

"Thank you sir, but I think I can handle it." I walked toward the cabin and knocked on it twice, "Witches, yeah own mother." I mumbled

A women around her 20's came to the door with a rather croaked smile, "May I help you?"

"Yes, I'm lost and I need help to where am going."

"Oh yes..come in..come in." I walked in seeing a wooden chair and tables. It was kind of weird? Who lives in a place without electricity. I turn around facing the lady who the man called a witch. She was dressed in a green gown with little black sequences around the dress. Her rather long black hair laid gently past her shoulders. Her eyes were a dark brown. She smiled once again relieving her croaked teeth.

"So Rachel, my darling what brings you here?"

"That's the point I don't know why or how I got here? And how did you know my name?" I asked while she motioned for me too sit down.

"I know a lot of things that no man can ever know."

"I don't understand?"

"All in good time," She pats my hand, "My name is Lucinda"

"Nice too met you Lucinda."

"As to the question you asked me: How did you get here?: Well that's easy, from a transportation of your father."

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