Sleeping Beauty~Ch.3

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I walked toward the forest, leaving my car at home. It wasn't a long walk, but neither a short walk either. I stood near the creaky gate and took a deep breath and opened it making a sound as I entered the Hollow cemetery. I can still remember the time I stood foot here as they buried my father inside the casket. I remembered also when I cried so much that my grandma held me so tight. It's a lot to remember and just when I was a little girl.

I stood in front of my father tombstone that read, "Alexander Carson," and the bottom of it said, "Amazing Father," I haven't been here in a long time, mostly because of me going out with John in all, but now that were officially over I can come back to my regular routine. 

I held in a breath that I hardly knew I was holding once I let it out. I kept my voice firm, and calm, "Hello Daddy," I started off, trying my best not to cry, "I came to visit today. And you might think that me coming here is a waste of time, but if it involves you... it doesn't. I miss you daddy very much. How you used to hold my hand when I was scared, when I cried that you hugged me tight. When I got a paper cut you would kiss my bruise. I wish you were here. And trust me I try to be brave, but its hard knowing your gone." The wind pulled on my hair, making me escape a tear. Kind of feeling the presence of my dad, but I kept on going,

"I broke up with John, well he broke up with me. Am not sure? Grandma say's that my man is out there, I just haven't found him yet. She has a good heart, I just wish I knew where mine was." I wiped my tears away with my sleeve and continued, " Daddy? Do you remember the time when you  told me so many story's about love? Do you know what my favorite story was? I guess you already knew, but it was Sleeping Beauty. I wish I was asleep for millions of years and forget everything that happened and never wake up." The wind pushed harder, and I thought I heard a faint whisper in the forest that said, "Don't give up." but maybe I was acting crazy or hearing things. Maybe both?

"Daddy its getting late, I should be getting home. I'll come visit tomorrow. I promise. I love you always." I closed my eyes and waited there for a few seconds before I stood up and made my way toward the gate exiting and making my way toward the forest and out back to the old town. I watched as kids ran to there mother's or father's. Gosh, sometimes I wished that my mother didn't have to leave me or my father. I never got see her smile, her brightened face, her delicate features. Dad used to say that I reminded him of her, but I didn't want to look like her. Not at all, for what she's done to me and my father. I entered a Cafe, and got me a cappuccino, I sat down and waited in tell I heard a bell ring. Which must be somebody coming in for a Cafe. I laid my hand on my face and waited for my order, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and stared at those dark blue eyes of his. By all days, he had to come here?

"Hey Rachel." Tyson said while sitting on the other side of me, never loosing his attention toward me.

"Hey." I said, trying my best to smile,

"I was wondering---,

"No! Tyson for the last time NO! Am sick in tired of you asking me out. IS there not any other girls you can go out with. Instead of me." I said

"Um, Rachel---,

"And the thing you did in English? Really? Was that necessary for you to tell the whole entire class.And making me feel like a jerk for not answering."

"No, And please stop, but I was just going to ask if your going to the ball this Saturday?"

"Wait, are you asking me on a date?"

"No I am asking as a Friend, I saw you run past by John and Sara. I know how that feels, so am not going to push it any longer, but just to let you know. Am here if you need me." He pulled out a card that said his phone number. I had this weird felling on the top of my stomach, Was it guilt?

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