Chapter 2

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When Toni woke up this morning she saw Cheryl sleeping next to her. She smiled before grabbing her journal and writing in it.

After some time Toni heard a muffled voice, "what are you doing?"

"I'm writing in my journal" Toni responded and Cheryl gave her an confused look

"when did you start writing in a journal?"

"I've been doing it since I was a kid, but I just recently started again"

"Do you talk about me in there?" Cheryl asked

"Of course. You're apart of my life and write about my life in here" Toni answered

"Well, what do you say about me?"

"None of your business" Toni said playfully

"Are you not going to tell me what you say about me?" Cheryl asked and Toni nodded her head

Cheryl pouted, "I'm going to take shower, go wake up the kids for me, please"

"and it's a diary, you're 19 with a diary" Cheryl added

"and you're 31 in a relationship with a 19 year old with a JOURNAL"

Cheryl hit Toni's arm playfully before going to take a shower

Toni went to both of the kid's room and woke them up in playful way.

She threw a pillow at Chloe, "Toni, why would you do that?"

"because I can. Wake up princess"

She took one of Adriel's cars and drove it on his head, "Toniiii"

"Wake up" Toni said with a smile

When Cheryl walked downstairs she saw Toni cooking breakfast while listening to music

"You are so hot, you know that?" Cheryl said as placed a kiss on Toni's cheek

"Yeah, actually I do"

"Asshole" Cheryl said before going to check on the kids in the living room

They were both on the floor watching a show and Cheryl came behind them to scare them

"Why does everyone keep scaring us today?" Adriel said with a laugh

"What do you mean?" Cheryl asked

"When Toni woke us up she threw a pillow at me and she used Adriel head as a racecar track" Chloe explained

"Of course she did"

Toni soon yelled out that breakfast was ready. Cheryl picked up Adriel and flew him to the kitchen

"Get your revenge" Cheryl said and Adriel started hitting Toni, soon Chloe joined

"Are you guys jumping me?"

"I just made you guys breakfast" Toni added

"That's what happens when you wake up my kids like a crazy person" Cheryl said with a smile

"Oh, they told you about that" Toni said laughing

"I'll fix everyone a plate, go sit down" Cheryl said and they listened

"So, you guys ready to go back to school?"

"The cases are getting lower and things are starting to go back to normal" Toni added

"I'm just excited to see my friends" Adriel said and Chloe agreed

"I'm excited to start playing soccer again" Chloe said

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