Chapter 2

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George was on his way home from School, just walking as he went. He was thinking about Dream. More specifically his feelings for Dream. 

"My Alpha? Yeah right.. I'm my own Omega. No one is MY Alpha." George scoffed, his face pink from thinking about it. 

He knew he'd have an issue with his step mom when he got home, he'd have to stay home all week for his heat. He hated it. He was treated so poorly because he was the only Omega in his house hold. He wasn't allowed to use heat suppressant's at home.

He got home and laid in his bed, waiting for his step mom to get home, he texted Dream.


G: Hey, Dream. Can you come over to my house please. I won't be at school til my heats over please come over. This isn't a horny text, I just want to hang out with someone before I go all loopy.

D: Okay, I'll be over soon, My Omega.

G: Not your Omega. 

D: But I'm your Alpha.

G: You're not though. Actually.

D: Come on, Gogy! Please? Call me it once.
Read 3:13 pm.


George changed into his comfy clothes, Just trying to wear something nice but comfortable. He decided to make a snack as he waited on Dream.

After a little Dream knocked on Georges door and George let him in. Dream smelt the air.

"You live with 2 alphas?" He was confused.

"And a Beta." George chimed in. He had a step sister who was a beta.

"So your parents are both alphas?" Dream was surprised.

"No my mom was an Omega." George sighed and looked at Dream. "I'd rather not talk about it."

Dream realized what he meant and suddenly felt really guilty for mentioning it, but stopped talking about it. 

"Let's go to your room." George just nodded and they went up to Georges room. He had multiple locks on his door for when he was in heat. George looked at Dream and sighed. 

"I'm not allowed out while in heat. I have a bathroom, and Lizzy leaves food at my door. Can i keep your hoodie?" he wanted an Alpha's article of clothing that wasn't his family's. "I'm not allowed heat suppressants because my family is super suspicious of the government. So I think Alpha's scents calms the heat even a bit, besides, you smell good. So please?" George looked so cute with begging eyes Dream just couldn't bring himself to say no.

"Alright, you can have my hoodie. I don't mind it. Especially if it'll help you." He smiled and gave George a hug. "You can keep it afterward too. Just don't get into trouble with Fundy or Ninja if you wear it to school." He was worried one of them might get to angry and unintentionally hurt George.

"Okay. I will. Thank you Dream." He smiled wide and Dream chuckled.

"Of course, Gogy. Also why did you change the subject to wanting my hoodie as soon as we walked in the door. that was quick." He smiled.

"Well I don't know actually. I saw your hoodie and I was like 'I'll just ask. What's the worse that could happen he says no?' and so I did, and you said yes!" He sat on his bed and patted it for Dream to come sit down as well.

"I was meaning to ask you something earlier." He admitted. He wasn't sure how to phrase it in a non stereo typing way; So he just said it. "Why didn't you take advantage of me while I was in heat? Don't Alpha's lack self control around Omega's in heat?"

Dream gave a sigh and hugged George, running a hand through his hair. "George.. I know I'm an Alpha but I'm not a monster. You were in heat and not thinking straight. You didn't actually want it. You couldn't help the feelings going through you. As much as your scent and everything else was making me wanna lose myself, I know you're a human and you have the right to do it with who you want, not just any greedy Alpha who smells you." Dream didn't like how Alpha's treated Omega's.

"I'm glad you think that way.. cause I don't want kids; Maybe ever." George was upset that he could of possibly been taken advantage of if it weren't for dream. "I hate that I have to be afraid someone will take advantage of me just because of something that naturally happens." 

That's when it hit Dream. George is afraid. Afraid for his safety, his body, his self esteem, his rights, and most importantly, his life. "Well I'm your Alpha so I'll protect you. I promise." He wanted George to know he meant it.

"Thanks Dream, I guess; but you are not my Alpha. You haven't 'claimed me' so I can't be yours." He chuckled a bit. Just being a smartass. 

"Well regardless I'm your Alpha and you're my Omega." He smiled softly.

George just laughed it off and the two spent the next hour playing Minecraft on George's PlayStation. Just having a good time before George went into heat. At the end of the hour Dream took off his hoodie and handed it to George.

"I've better get going, but I hope this helps your heat. I'm going to go home and do school work. Take a nap before it starts to get difficult." Dream just wanted George to take care of himself.

George's cheeks tinted pink, not because of his heat, but because how much Dream cared. "Okay I will. Thank you. Again. For everything." He smiled.

"Of course George." Dream smiled and with that he left. Leaving George alone with his thoughts and Dreams hoodie. 

George put it on and curled up in a ball on his bed. Ready to take a nap like Dream told him to. So not even moments after he was out like a light, but he knew when he woke up he's be in a state he hated more than anything.

Luckily Dream had locked the door on his way out. For George's safety. His omega needed to be safe after all. Or else Dream would of already broken his promise.

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