chapter 20

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George was walking around. His eyes starring at the floor. Tears swelling in them no matter how hard he tried. It had been a week since dreams disappearance.

Ninja and his Girlfriend are in jail but there's no sign of Dream anywhere.

Perhaps we should visit with him.

-Punz's P.O.V-

I sigh looking at dream.

"Look dude I think we-"

"I think its finally safe to leave" I mumble. He looks to me like I'm crazy.

"You're actually kidding. Ninja could be up there!" I sigh he looked so scared.

"Dream. We need to get out somehow. We've been here for a week with Very limited food and ninja hasn't been back in 4 days to feed us. I'm starving. We need food."

Dream groans. Knowing he was right and begins to tear down the doors barricade we had put up.

"Lets go." I nod. Grabbing the flashlight and leading the way out.

~Ninjas P.O.V~

Of course they found me. I LET them get me. You don't think I knew George would tell the cops? Oh dear reader you're too naive to think this isn't all a part of a plan. I'm not the kind of guy to do this stuff. Well I wasn't. Back when I first met George. Lets take a look shall we.

I was... no we were in band class. He played the flute and I played the drums. Or percussion if you will. He would always come up to me after class and show me where I needed work. He was kinda a know it all but it was cute.

I at the time thought I was straight. And honestly continue to think maybe I am to this day. But something about this boy drew me in. I couldn't help but fall.

But then there he was. His boyfriend of the time. Sapnap. I know you're like "oh my God George is a homie hopper" to which you'd be wrong. At this time Dream didn't go to the school. Hes a transfer student after all.

Me and sapnap never got along. But George was really into sapnap. But sapnap and George's bond faded. So I took it as my chance to start going out with him.

I know I know not so great but I kidnapped dream so don't judge me for this.

And we ended up starting to go out. And somewhere along the line my father and all the alphas around me started putting toxic things in my head to make me a real "Alpha" and now I'm just too far gone.

It needed to stop. So I let myself get caught. I want George to have a good life. I love him. Which is why I'm calling him right now to tell him where dream is. Using my one call.

~3rd person~

George was finally in the shower and Karl was talking to him about college. George laughed and suddenly his phone rang. He opened the curtain, covering his junk as he read the caller ID and answered.

"Hello?... what do YOU want?... hes where?.... slow down. I need you to repeat WHERE is my Alpha.. mhm..... ........ Okay. I'm going to get him. Mhm" He was getting out of the shower. Towel now around his waist. Luckily his hair is clean. He maybe didn't wash his body but it was his dream. He rushed to put on his clothes as Karl put the pieces together.

"Wait was that Ninja? Did he tell you where Dream is?"

He nods. Smiling. Now that he was dressed he was getting in his car ASAP.

By the time dream and punz made it out George was just barley in the bedroom as they walked out the secret door.

"Dream!" He ran up to him with tears.

"GEORGE!" He opened his arms to him. Ready to hold his precious little omega.

Punz just walked outside to see Karl.

"'Sup Jacobs."

"Hi Punz."

Dream walked out carrying George. Both smiling genuinely. For the first time in a little over a week.

His Omega

And His Alpha

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