Chapter 6

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His blue eyes were looking deep into mine. My heart couldn't take it. I didn't know someone could fall in love this fast. Luka waited for me to tell him what I needed to say, but I blanked out in his eyes. "I-" I was about to say until I was interrupted. "I found you, Adrien." Nathalie smiles at me. "It's lunchtime you two. Follow me.' I sigh and follow her. Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't tell him. Everyone went downstairs for lunch. I decided not to sit with Luka so he can spend time with Marinette.

I sat at the girl's table with Sabrina, Lila, Kagami, and Chloe. "Hey Adrien~" Chloe smiled at me. "Hey" She hugged my arm. "Adrikins~ I'm having a party this Saturday." I ate my lunch and nodded. "That means I want you to come to it." I looked at her. "Oh! Chloe...You know I can't go." I sighed. "Oh please ask your father. It's a sleepover too. Please, for me?" She smirked. I shrugged. "I'll try." I turned to the other girls. "Are you going Kagami?" I asked. "No-" She said but Lila interrupted. "But I am" She smiled. "Oh, nice!" I smiled. I could tell Kagami was pissed. "So Kagami are you just not interested?" I looked at her then she turned to me. "No. I don't have time for stupid parties." She said. Party pooper.

Later is was about time to go. Everyone boarded the bus. Again, I let Luka sit with Mari. I sat beside Nathalie. I leaned on Nathalie's shoulder, I honestly was so glad she came today. "Nathalie, thank you for coming. You do know I love you a lot?" I looked up at her still leaning. She smiled and nodded. "Yes, Adrien." I smiled back. "Well Nathalie whenever you're ready, I want you to marry my father. I couldn't think anyone better for the job." She blushed. "You want me to marry your father? But I can't replace your mother..." She looked down. "I know mother just wants me to be happy, and I'm sure she wants father happy too. You make us both the luckiest men." I kissed her cheek. She smiled. "Adrien I'll consider it, but at the end of the day, it's your father's decision."

At home, "Nathalie! You let Adrien go on the field trip!? AFTER I TOLD HIM HE COULDN'T GO?!" He yelled at her. "I'm sorry sir, it's just he wanted to go on this trip, I knew that. You can't get mad at me about it. He's you're son! Don't you care about him?" She yelled back. "I do. That's why I didn't want him to go. It's not safe!" Nathalie tightened her fists. "Well, I was there the WHOLE time with him!" She then crossed her arms.

"Please both of you! Don't fight. You guys were made for each other. I love you both and I can't see you fight again!" I yell. They both looked at me shocked. "You're right Adrien, I'm sorry to both you and Nathalie." I smiled and looked at him hug her. "So I have a question... Saturday Chloe is having a sleepover party. Can I go?" I begged. Nathalie gave him a look. "Ugh fine." He sighed. "Thank you!" My group hugged them.

At school, I went to Chloe. "My father said I could go to your party! Who else is going?" I smiled. "Um well, stupid Marinette and her sidekick Alya is going. Also, Zoe is going, then Alix, Mylene, Rose, Juleka, and some other girls that I don't remember." She snickered. "Are any guys going?" I asked. "Nope." I laughed awkwardly. "Well, this is going to be interesting."

The sleepover party...I brought in my bag and all the girls were partying together. Omg. I don't even know why I came to this slumber party- I mean at least I can be out of the house as Adrien Agreste, but still. "Adrikins~" Chloe hugged me. "Hey." I smiled slightly. "We are just about to start makeovers. C'mon!" She pulled my hand then Rose started to do my makeup. What the hell. I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS. I looked at myself in the mirror. My face with glitter. I even had a unicorn on my cheek. "Uh, thanks rose." She smiled and giggled. "You're welcome, Adrien. You look AMAZING! Can I take a pic with you?" She had those baby doll eyes I just couldn't say no. We took a selfie. Oh god, I look um... odd.

"Adkins! Come I have your dress!" I gasped. "Did you say dress??" She pulled my hand and undressed me behind the changing wall thingy. I walked out in my short dress. It was black and green too. I kinda liked the dress but NOT ON MEEEE. It also didn't match my makeup that
Rose did. "I don't know. Don't you think I look kinda stupid?" Chloe laughed. "Of course not!" She took at the pic of me and some others and POSTED IT. WHAT IF LUKA SEES. I'm in a fucking dress!!!!

(My sister's fanart of what the dress looks like lol)

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(My sister's fanart of what the dress looks like lol)

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