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Hiya lovelies! This definitely isn't my usual fanfic scene, but the SamBucky show- I mean boat homos- I mean The Falcon and the Winter Soldier really lives in my mind rent free rn... So this exists. I hope you like it, even if it's different from usual. Also the concept is sorta neat, if I do say so... So enjoy!

On another note legit today a friend of mine who's pretty intense about ships realised I like SamBucky and tried to convert me to Stucky. Like no, not for me sis...

Sam POV.

Steve, one of Sam's best friends, ventured into the school cafeteria with a bright smile etched over his face. He'd been M.I.A for the past week, without a message to any of their friends, apparently dealing with 'family stuff'.

"What's got you all chipper?" Sam raised his brows as Steve continued to smile like an idiot.

"They found him, they found my brother!" They all knew about Steve's long lost half-brother James. He disappeared when he was almost eight... so around ten years ago now. The whole family had given up hope for his return. Except Steve... he never believed his brother was gone for good.

"That's amazing Mr.Steve Sir." Peter, a sweet boy a few grades below them, smiled at Steve. "Where is he?"

"Admin. He's attending the school this year, isn't that exciting!" Sam was happy to meet the new kid. "He'll be here soon."

The group consisted of the six of them on most days. This included Sam himself, as well as Steve and Peter. Then there was Tony, Clint and Natasha. Sometimes Thor would sit with them, but other times he sat with the, for lack of a better word, 'cheerleaders' and braided their hair while discussing music and pop culture.

The doors opened rather loudly to reveal a boy with the angriest aura around him.

Black hair formed a curtain over part of his face, almost every inch of his body excluding his face covered in dark clothing. He was seemingly stunned by the sound he'd caused, shoving his hands into his pockets before silently searching the room.

"Buck! Over here!" Steve waved the boy over, no emotion portrayed on his face as 'Buck' made his way over carefully. His gaze never once settled, darting over every inch of the room, stoping only momentarily on every exit. "Guys, this is James Barnes."

"Call me Bucky please." He refused to even look at them, settling awkwardly onto the stiff plastic bench. Now that he was closer Sam could see the meticulously applied eyeliner around Bucky's eyes.

This was not the energetic brother Steve always described.

Sam cleared his throat. "I'm Sam Wilson, close friend of Steve's." Everyone else followed in Sam's lead, introducing themselves.

"I heard about you all from Steve." Bucky muttered, disinterested.

Sam sighed. "Look I know we don't know each other, but if we're all going to be friends you have to stop being so... frigid." Immediately those cold, dead looking blue eyes narrowed on Sam.

"Who said I was planning on being your friend, Wilson? I have friends already." Bucky scoffed, turning to Steve. "Where's T'Challa? Or Shuri?" A strangely distraught look passed over Steve's expression as he quickly let out an awkward laugh.

This guy's an asshole...

Wait T'Challa?

How did this guy know a prince? And not just a prince, but one of the most reclusive people in school.

"Who's Shuri?" Tony, who is a bit of a prick but alright most of the time, frowned.

Peter immediately became excited. "She's in my classes. I haven't spoken to her but she's pretty cool, she even made T'Challa's fighting gear. MJ said she's a princess."

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