Our First Apartment

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Bucky POV.

The apartment was shit.

Absolute garbage.

It occurred to them both as they were in the process of buying the apartment that they were two relatively broke school students. Bucky got money from the government to keep hushed about... stuff... every month or so, which is the only reason the apartment wasn't the absolute worst out of all the poor options.

All of the walls were painted with this green-grey paint that made Bucky want to cry. The wooden flooring looked one wrong step from giving out entirely, as well as all the counters. There was only four rooms: one bedroom, a kitchen/dining area/living room, a toilet and a bathroom.

There wasn't even furniture.

"I think it's... nice..." Sam grimaced, like it physically pained him to lie like that. At least Bucky could tell this wasn't an attempt to make fun of him, merely a wayward hope of making this situation seem better than it was.

The only thing Sam has said that Bucky appreciated.

Bucky sat down on the floor, taking off his backpack. "We need to think about what we need for the apartment." He grabbed his notebook, opening it to the back.

"For once a good idea from you, Barnes." Sam sat down beside him carefully, clearly also not trusting the structural integrity of the apartment. "Well I have a double bed, and bookshelves..." Sam rambled on about everything he had to offer.

"I could sell my bed to buy a couch or something. Steve bought a tv for me when I got back so we can put that in the living room." Bucky discovered that they actually surprisingly didn't need to buy all that much. "We mainly need to buy some decorations and the couch. Some kitchen supplies and practical stuff too."

The slightest movement of paper sent a wave of dust into Sam's face.

"And cleaning supplies." Bucky muttered as Sam coughed his lungs up. With his little list complete Bucky stared at Sam awkwardly for a second, already feeling embarrassed.

"What's wrong Barnes?"

"Can you drive me home to get my stuff?" Bucky blurted out. 18 and still unable to drive... it was sort of embarrassing. Even if it made sense considering his past...

"You can't drive?" Sam seemed about to laugh when he caught sight of Bucky's expression. "It's cool, we can drop by my dorm after anyway. More efficient and all."

It took a little too much willpower for Bucky to repress the stupid smile that tugged his lips.

"I don't have much so it won't take long." Bucky gently stood up, again careful of the floor, and dusted off his clothes.

The drive was almost dead silent, the only sound being Sam's playlist. Apparently the sound system in the car didn't work, so there was a cheap shower speaker in the cup holder instead. Bucky wasn't overly surprised though, considering Sam drove the most beat-up ute Bucky has ever seen.

"Buck!" Steve rushed over to the car the second they parked. "Mum is not happy about you moving, but I packed your boxes for you. I know you said not to... but sometimes I gotta help ya know? She nearly flew out here and everything though." Together they loaded the three boxes and TV into the bay of Sam's ute. There was a tarp over them, so Bucky prayed his belongings wouldn't be trashed when they got home.

"Thank you Stevie. Just... don't tell her my address, yeah?" Bucky half-joked. He really didn't want Steve's mother to show up and drag him home.

Steve slowly nodded his head. "She might kidnap you." Bucky tried to suppress his subconscious flinch. "See you at school little bro."

"Yeah yeah whatever." Bucky pat Steve on the shoulder before getting back into Sam's car. "To your house?"

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