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Thanks magnes98 for the idea! ❤️🎭
And yes! I got a new Story cover! Hope you love it as much as I do.


"We have to tell them!" I exclaim, running to the home phone.

It was the next morning, and Danny was the only one asleep. All the others left around midnight, and when they did, I let Josh use the spare room before going to bed.

Josh popped up from the couch, running over towards me. I began to call mom before he could stop me. It rung once before my mother's voice was heard on the other side of the phone. Joshua whispered to me to cut it out and hang up.

"Hey, mom! You're not going to believe what happened last night!" I exclaim, looking at Josh, jumping up and down.

"Stop! Cut it out, Sondra!" Josh whisper-yelled. He threw his hand around vigorously as he did.

"What are you talking about, Sondra?" My mom's voice grew quiet, "He passed away 7 years ago.."

Daniel came staggering down the stairs sleepily, rubbing an eye with the pall of his left hand as he used the other one to hold onto the railing. His hair was standing up on his right side, showing that he was laying on that side.

"No mom, he's right here, want to talk to him?" I say, and Danny hugs me from behind, kissing my cheek.

"Danny! Tell her to knock that off!" Josh whispers at him.

"Babe, there must be a reason why he doesn't want them to know." Daniel obeys Josh's command.

"Are you okay, Sondra? Do you need to go to the doctor?" My mom asked, "you better not be doing drugs or something!"

"No, ma-"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Calvert, Don't mind her. She's just been.. Seeing things.." Danny stole the phone from me quickly.

"Who are you?" My mother asked, and I could hear her.

My heart sank a bit. It was a bit disappointing that she would never answer my calls until now. She never even communicated with me when she got the wedding invitation. Danny must've noticed because he was staring at me while on the phone.

"This Daniel Murillo, Sondra's new husband." Danny said politely.

"Oh my! We were just talking about you, right Howard?!" My mom yelled at dad.

"I guess?" I heard dad blurt out.

"We're actually thinking about coming to visit you two today!" She exclaimed. My mother sounded like a different person. I looked at Daniel in awe as he stared back.

"You're full of sh*t!" My dad yelled over to her, and she scoffed.

"Don't listen to Howie over there. He never listens."

Josh looked at me with terror. He then took my arm pulling me into the living room. He looked back at Danny, who was giving him a thumbs up for some reason.

"They can't come over. You need to tell them." Josh put his hands in his pockets.

Joshua never knew that they neglected my presence. It upset me a bit, but it wasn't really his fault that he didn't know because he was never around. It was quiet, and for 30 seconds all you could hear is the clock tick.

I went off like a bomb. I told him everything, basically blowing him up. It must've been the way I was talking, how aggressive I was. Maybe it was because of how they never came to see me. For once, they wanted to see me.

"It's your fault that they don't come to see me, Joshua!" I shouted at him. Daniel got off the phone and he jogged into the living room.

"I'm sorry, Sondra." Josh calmly said, making me even angrier.

"No, you are not f*cking sorry!" I spat, making him cringe a bit. I felt Danny gently touch my arm.



"Sondra! I faked my death so you guys wouldn't be DEAD!!" Joshua screamed at me.

I closed my mouth. My heart thudded against my chest. His words hung in my head, repeating over and over like a record. There was a lump in my throat and my mouth was dry. I felt Daniel wrap his arms around be and embrace me.

"I got into a lot of trouble, Sondra." Josh murmured, plopping down on the couch. "I f*cked up."

What could he have gotten into? The only response that came to my head was drugs. If you think about it, there's more than 100 possible things that he could've gotten into. Josh never seemed like one of those guys who would get into trouble like that.

Then he told us. He was in a gang with his friends. The friends that always came over everyday after school. They were polite, immature kids that would never get into any trouble. Another gang had a bet with them, which the bet didn't go so well and Josh's gang won it.

"One night, when I was alone, walking the streets, a couple of the guys from that gang pushed me into the alley." Josh started, "They told me that I would die that night, all of us. They would've came in to our house and kill every one of us. So that means all of my friends and I, plus our families.

"What we decided was to get a type of medicine that would put us into a deathlike sleep for a couple days, which actually worked. One of our close friends, Benny-- which was not in any trouble or part of any gang-- came to dig us up after everything. After that, we called out gang, 'The Undead'."

It blew my mind. He was doing it to save our lives. The gang doesn't know they're alive yet luckily, and all they are now is a retired gang. Still, if they got found, they would still die.

"You're okay now.." I hug Josh.

"For now."

Kiss My Undead Soul (Hollywood Undead FanFic) ~DannyWhere stories live. Discover now