Another Alvarez.

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Sondra walked down the street with her aunt. Rylee continued to talk about how she met Jorel and how amazing it was. It was pretty interesting to know that Daniel's friend was Sondra's uncle now.

It was slightly cloudy, and the clouds didn't look friendly at all. They were dark, and sometimes they would block the sun out. Sondra loved rainy days, but she wasn't looking forward to rain while they were walking down a strip mall. They both had clothes that they didn't want to have soaking wet before they ever got home.

Once they got to a small food joint, Both of them sat down at a tiny table for two, throwing their plastic shopping bags on the table. Before sitting down, Sondra just remembered the thing that she had forgotten to look at in Zumiez. Quickly feeling her short pockets, she pulled out a coupon and some loose change. Rylee stared at her curiously.

"I forgot to get those Vans at Zumies!" Sondra gasped, stuffing the coupon back into her pocket.

"You can go get them if you want," Rylee sighs, "I'll wait here."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't take that long, should it?"

"Okay, I'll be back as soon as possible." Sondra felt her other pocket for her wallet, then zoomed out of the restaurant that smelt of Italian food.

Sony started to walk casually down the sidewalk, looking around for the store with most of the shoes sitting out of the store for display, with the big white sign that drew her in. There was no sign of that though. There was only a sign of a large down pour. It started to sprinkle, and that sprinkle soon transformed into a heavy rain. Once there was a roar of thunder, and a crack of lightning right afterward, Sondra knew it was time to seek out some place to stay in while the storm passed. She moved quickly down the walk, then decided that the large Vans store would be a perfect place to hang out.

With the door closed and with all the displayed shoes inside, she thought that they would've been closed. She slowly walked in, and a small jingle of a bell sounded to notify the employees that there was a customer. Sondra wasn't the only customer. There were definitely more than just her. She slowly walked down an aisle of shoes, listening to the loud talking that was coming behind the left side of the aisle. She had to admit; they were annoying. She wanted to go around to the other aisle and slap them all.

"Those look gay on your feet." A guy chuckles, followed by a small choir of giggles and laughs afterward. All of them must have been men.

"Well, at least I don't look gay all the time." A deep, Hispanic kind of voice snapped, and their laughter came to a halt.

The voice made Sondra stop dead in her tracks. Was it Dylan? She hasn't heard from him in forever. Boy, he would be so happy to see her come around the corner. Or maybe, it was just another Mexican guy with the same voice as FunnyMan.

"Hey, you didn't point any fingers, Chassidy."

I heard a stool scoot across the floor, and the guys burst out laughing. There were two stomps, then a seethe, "I'm pointing my finger at you."

Sondra got curiouser and curiouser on who the Hispanic fellow could be. She quietly walked to the end of the hall. Maybe she could peek her head down the aisle to see him and what the fuss was about. She was urged to see the "gay" shoes.

"You're gayer than gay marriage!" The guy said, and Sondra peeked around the corner. All the guys looked down the aisle, and saw her peeking around. Trying to act like an innocent customer, she slowly started to walk into the aisle.

The guy with the Hispanic voice was tall, and towered over the other guy. He looked like he could be Dylan, yet a bit different. He was younger too. This guy, "Chassidy", was more built and looked like he lifted weights. Sondra had to admit, he had a really smoking body.

"I'm sorry about all of that." They guy spoke to Sondra, and she turned her head, "I'm just kidding around."

"I hope you're not being a major dickhead." Sondra says, then flashes a smile.

"Naw, just teaching them not to make fun of my shoes, and to not make fun of me, 'cause that's all they do." The guy smiles.

"They must be really stubborn."

"Sondra, it's been awhile. I haven't seen you since like--5th grade." The guys said, walking over to her.

Sondra watched as he walked up to her. He smiled, making Sondra smile, "God, Chase Alvarez. I knew it was you."

Chase laughed, which sounded identical to FunnyMan's. He outstretched his arms, then brought Sony into an unexpected hug. Sondra felt a bit awkward, but soon she quickly hugged back.

"Wanna go get a coffee? I bet these assholes wouldn't mind." Chase asked, pulling away.

"I'll have to tell my aunt first.. But it'll be fine."

They both started to walk out of the store, and they both ran out into the rain. They laughed as they splashed through several puddles, and made their way to the coffee shop.

Both of their minds told them that they were meant for each other.

Their Undead Souls even told them.

Well, that was the end of the book! I hope you enjoyed. I didn't want the book to end in a depressing way, but in a good way. So, here it is. Comment, message, or even write on my timeline! I'll be writing all my other books too, so you should check those out. I heard they're pretty good. 😏😉

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