Chapter III

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3rd person's POV

It has been a few days now after Tommy met the Soot family. Nothing much happened, except some bullies beating Tommy again and Tommy had another nightmare.

It was Wednesday now and Tommy was sitting on the same tree he used to climb over when he went to see Henry. The kids were playing in the background and the birds were still chirping even though it was 19:58.

Tommy had a lot of work today, all the chores that other caretakers had to do were added up to his list. but after all he got 10 minutes to ride Henry today.

He was finally relaxed after a long day. He really enjoyed the soft noise that children made. It was really calming. He slowly realized that he was falling asleep, but didn't care much so he started to sleep on a tree...

Time skip to morning

When he woke up, he wasn't where he was when he fell asleep - he was on the ground, on grass. He realized that he had fallen off.

He looked surprised when he thought nothing bad happened till he tried to stand up by putting all the weight on his right arm. Yup, it was definitely broken. He got up by using the other arm and went to his room. He really struggled with climbing through the window but eventually, after a few minutes, he got it.

Once he got to the room, Tommy bandaged his arm with bandages that he used to cover his self-harm scars. It was almost 9AM, which is the time when breakfast is served so he went downstairs. He dressed up, struggling of course and went downstairs. When he "finished" his meal, he ran to his room.

On his way there he bumped into Miss Ruth. "Good morning, Thomas. It turned out, the Soot family wants to adopt you. They will be here in 30 minutes so please clean your room perfectly and then pack your things and bring them down. Do not and I repeat myself DO NOT be late or you're not getting a proper room when you come back, you useless brat, understood?" "Understood, Miss", Tommy said in fear. "And watch where you are going, fat pig" and with that, the caretaker walked her way.

All this time he was in pain that was coming from his arm, but now, he felt even worse. He ran to his room being careful with his arm as possible. Tommy winced in pain and tried his hardest not to cry, but there were still some tears in his eyes.

When he got to his room, he unbandaged his arm. It was light purple. He got scared of the view, so he bandaged it up but pretty lightly so it won't hurt a lot. Then he remembered - he is getting adopted today.

He cleaned his room and packed his things in a rush since he had 5 minutes left. He went downstairs just in time. Phil was already there finishing the papers when he saw Tommy with his backpack. "Ready to go?" He said with a smile. "Yeah".

We started to walk towards the car. I saw that Techno and Wilbur were also there, in a car. I sat down in the back of the car next to Wilbur. Then I started to look through the window hoping that the pain in the arm would go away. Yeah, it didn't. All the way back home it hurt really badly. After about 10 minutes we stopped next to a nice, two floored house.

"Alright, we are here." Phil said happily getting out of the car. I got out and walked behind Phil who was looking for the house key in his pocket.

Once he found it, he unlocked the door to an amazing living room with a kitchen as well. On the right, there were stairs that lead to the second floor.

"Okay, uhm..Techno, could you show Tommy around? I'll start to cook dinner for ya all", "Sure, come on, Tommy" Techno said, starting the tour from the 1st floor to 2nd. Once the tour was done, Tommy was left in his new room to unpack. Tommy was still amazed by how big and cool his room looked. Tommy unpacked pretty quickly and was now watching through his window, thinking...



769 words o>o


Yeahhh...Pog, i guess, chapter :Pp. btw...





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