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Annika stared at the roaring fireplace feeling empty without her Nik.

She felt numb

The worst part was her daughters will never get to meet their father.

Now who would shower her with kisses when she was upset, give her a back massage, rub her temples due to the voices, play with her hair, pick out flowers, or give her red roses.

All she had was memories of him and pictures how much she wished if he was alive.

She would run up to him, even when he tells her not to, and hug him never letting go.

But it wasn't possible the only way she could is if she dreamed of it but her dreams were full of nightmares, waking up screaming in the middle of the night.

She had no peace because her peace was Nik.

"I'm going for a walk" Annika mumbles getting up and leaving through the back door not hearing the council breaking inside the house.

As she walks through the woods her hand caresses her bump feeling the sadness of her daughters. The twins knew there dad was gone and they missed him even though they weren't born yet. It didn't matter all they would remember him by was photos and stories nothing more.

When she arrives at the Lockwood cellar, she takes a deep breathe and walks down the steps. She stops in front of the door and pushes it open to see Klaus' coffin in the middle of the cellar.

Annika slowly walks over to it, letting out a shaky breathe and opens it revealing her husbands burned body.

Her lip trembles as she extends her hand resting her palm on his forehead. A red tendril connects Annika's hand and Klaus' forehead, tears escaping her eyes.

"I can't feel you" Annika sobs resting her hand for a few moments then finally letting go.

"You broke our promise" She mumbles pressing a kiss to her finger tips then to his lips.

Annika walks out of the cellar tears in her eyes as she makes her way back to her house, alone.


"Bekah only you of all people would get kidnapped" Henrik mumbles as he helps his sister out of the van while Tyler helps Caroline.

"Let's go" Tyler tells them and they speed to the woods were Erik is waiting for them.

"Have you seen Annika" Erik asks his wife and she shakes her head.

always forever | klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now