one shots

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the birth of nathaniel and alexander

Everyone was in a panic at the compound.

Annika was in labor in her own home but she wanted to strangle everyone who annoyed her, which was Kol more than anything.

"Of course you had to knock her up! Her mood swings were worse this time!!" Kol whined as he ran around the kitchen making the smallest ice chips to the point they were almost completely melted.

"Oh hush you big baby" Rebekah rolled her eyes annoyed and hit him in the back of the head as she prepared for wash cloths.

"Easy for you to say you were an angel pregnant but Annika is the spawn of Satan" Kol pointed out remembering how peaceful his sister was meanwhile Annika would throw things at him if he as much breathed her way.

"KOL THE BLOODY CHIPS" Annika yelled from across the compound the anger in her voice very noticeable as Kol whispered a prayer before speeding to her room.

He walked in watching Annika grip the living shit out of Nik's shirt while her daughters were doing breathing exercises with her.

"Oh thank fuck finally you're useful" She gritted out as Annalise got the cup from her uncle's hand and handed them to her mom.

"Love I can't breathe" Nik gritted out and Annika let go of his shirt immediately.

"You have two babies in your vagina and lay here, you'll understand my pain" Annika stared at him her eyes glowing red for a split second as her contractions were getting stronger and closer together.

"Aunt Kat said you're close to being 10 centimeters mom it's almost over" Erikah told her mom as she put another cold washcloth on her forehead for some stimulation.

Rebakah and Katherine walked in with everything they needed as Annika was already fully crowned.

"Okay you're ready and remember push when you feel the contraction coming" Rebekah told her as she checked watching Annika start panicking.

"Mom don't worry we're all here for you" Annalise told her mom as her and her sister held one hand giving her a reassuring smile.

"Okay I got this" She smiled and kissed her girls goodbye as they went outside the room knowing it was going to be brutal.

As soon as they walked out Kol ran to them, "Did she kill anyone?" He asked a hopeful glint in his eye.

"No you sicko, she's fully crowned" Erikah made a look of disgust but she knew how her uncle was like.

"Kol behave" Elijah scolded from the patio as he was sitting back in a chair reading the newspaper.

"How can you be reading at a time like this" Kol asked shocked and as Elijah could be doing anything better.

"Yes let me go get a wig and go in that room to be more productive" Elijah mocked rolling his eyes in annoyance until the screaming started.

"I'm calling it right now it's going to be twin boys, she was prettier this time" Kol smirked while his nieces gave him a "are you serious look".

"What everyone knows the girls drain their beauty for themselves duh" Kol rolled his eyes as if it were common knowledge to the whole world.

"Why do you live with us again?" Annalise asked as she flopped on the couch Erikah doing the same.

"Because I'm you're uncle"

"Sadly" They whispered.

A loud gasp rang through the compound possibly louder than Annika's current screams.

"You take that right back" Kol pointed his finger feeling betrayed and hurt.

"No" They told him with a serious face.

"Niklaus no more fucking babies!!" Annika yelled out and everyone turned to the room a look of horror.

Inside the birthing room Annika was not having it.

The twins were being a pain and not wanting to come out.

"Ugh please tell me you see a head at least" Annika yelled out to Katherine as she moved forward for Nik to sit behind her to help her push.

"Oh I see a head, time to push" Rebekah told her getting ready as Katherine had the blankets.

The contraction came fast and Annika pushed as hard as she could while breaking some bones in Nik's hands.

Her ears were ringing and her vision almost went out until she heard the first cry.

It was loud and she was already tearing up, "It's a boy" Katherine told her as she wrapped him up.

"I KNEW IT" Kol yelled out.

"Shut up you bastard" Annika yelled out as she prepared for the next contraction because since twin genes run in the family she has two sets of them.

"Okay I see the last baby's head" Rebekah told her.

"Nik can you push for me I'm tired" Annika looked up at him giving her husband puppy dog eyes.

"Love I physically can't but if I could I would" He whispered smiling a bit.

"Bitch" She rolled her eyes looking mad at Nik.

She prepared herself for the last baby. There were no more coming ever out of her ever, she quit.

This baby was more intense and it took her a total of five pushes for him to finally leave her womb.

"Another boy" Katherine said as Annika heard him cry louder than all of her children have.

"Oh lord it's another Kol" Annika said in horror  small smile on her lips as she laid against her husband as her sons were being wrapped.

Katherine and Rebekah handed the couple the twin boys...identical twins not fraternal like Erikah and Annalise.

"Oh my goodness they look like you Nik with their cute blonde hair" Annika whispered with a lot of tears in her eyes as she held her sons who were now peaceful.

"They're wonderful" Nik whispered as his son cuddled more into his warmth.

Fatherhood is what Nik needed.

"Nathaniel" Annika whispered as she looked at her son.

"Alexander" Nik whispered to his son as well.

They wanted long names but where they could call them a nickname for short.

"I just know you're going to be little troublemakers but you're my favorite ones" Annika whispered.

Her daughters were angels as toddlers and as children but now they're teenagers and still are angels. But these boys she just knew deep down they were troublemakers.

Two mini Kol's.


hey guys I'm back!!! After the inc in the worst writing slump ever I'm back into writing and decided to do a bunch of one shots for this fic.

Since there won't be another book on Annika and Nik but I love them too much I'll be doing these one shots of random things from the past or future.

So if you have anything you want me to write let me know here and I'll most likely do it

Also I missed you guys and yes I see every comments and I want to thank you for all the love you have given this fic

Love you!!

xoxo leighton

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