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•you can put same as current reality if you do not want to change it•

Tattoos and piercings:
put what you want and be specific, add pictures of things.
you can also put "same as current reality"

put your perfume scent, how your hair smells, breath, etc
ex: I always smell like lilacs and vanilla, my breath always smells like subtle peppermint
I like to add that I have a wide selection of perfumes

how do you want your fingernails to look
ex: always painted black, short
if you have a specific idea in mind write it down and add a picture
a good one to add is you can change your nails in your desired reality anytime you want

Clothing and extra:
put your style
ex: I have an endless wardrobe, I have an endless amount of jewelry

length, color, texture, usual hairstyles, etc
it's good to add pictures
or you could put same as current reality
Eyes, Lashes, Brows:
color, length, shape

shape, color
same as current reality

same as current reality

clear, acne, freckles (specify where)
ex: freckles across my nose and cheeks
you can also include skin around your body
ex: my legs and arms are always waxed and look flawless

Face shape:
chin shape too

you can specify proportions like leg length

other features:
- boobs:
- butt:
- thighs:

straight, white, never get cavities, etc
you can also include breath again

Glasses, Contacts, Braces:
ex: I always have my contacts in when I'm in my desired reality unless I take them out and out my glasses on in my desired reality

add whatever scars you want
add pictures if you can
ex: a diagonal scar across my mouth, a few random line and circular scars across my torso and back

put anything else that you feel like it doesn't fit in a category
ex: I'm muscular, I have abs, etc

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